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Appearing From: BloodRayne series


Rayne is a Dhampir, the unholy union of a vampire father and human mother. When her mother was killed by her father Kagan so she would turn to him, being her only family. Rayne did not fall for this and was recruited by the Brimstone Society, a group of that combated the supernatural. Her fist missions had her go to Louisiana to fight of a plague that infected humans caused by a insectiod species called the Maraisreq. When she defeated the Maraisreq queen(known as the Queen of the Underworld.) Rayne pulled out a glowing rib, which by its own will, forcefully entered her. Then the WW1 criminal Jurgen Wulf ripped it out of her, nearly killing her. Managing to survive, she went on Missions to Argentina and Germany to stop the Nazi threat as well as Belair, the orginal ruler of hell. After this, her father Kagan invaded the Brimstone HQ in France and found the Vespar Shards, a weapon meant to kill vampires. When Sir Trumain, a father figure to Rayne, blew up the office with Kagan, Rayne was cheated out of her revenge. Years later, Rayne had hunted down her vampire brethren, but found that Kagan was alive and had created a blood like cloud called the Shroud, that let vampires walk in the sun. After fighting her way to him, Rayne finally killed Kagan and got her revenge. Now outcast by the Brimstone for simply having some vampire in her. However, the Outworld despot Shao Kahn had been watching her and decided that she would be his new queen. He managed to force Rayne into Outworld and tried to brainwash Rayne to serve him as queen of Outworld. Rayne however managed to escape her captures and vowed revenge on Shao Kahn.


Primary Costume: Rayne's Classic Red and Black Leather outfit.

Alternative 1: Rayne's Black Dress from BloodRayne 2

Alternative 2: Rayne's DarkRayne Outfit from BloodRayne 2

Alternative 3: Rayne's New Black with Red trim outfit from the upcoming BloodRayne: Betrayal

Special Moves:

Bite: Rayne jumps at her opponent, wraps her legs around their waist and takes a bite out of her opponent. She takes some health away from the opponent and heals herself before the opponent manages to throw her off of them.

Chain Harpoon: Rayne fires her harpoon at the opponent and snares them. She pulls them towards her while "Come here." in a seductive voice. This move is the same as Scorpion's spear move.

Ghost Thrall: Rayne sends out a ghostly thrall of herself towards the opponent. When it infects the opponent, they move towards Rayne in a shamble, allowing her a free hit.

Blood Rage: Rayne flies into her trademark blood rage, which increases her attack power and damage resistance for a few seconds.

X-Ray move:

Rayne jumps at her opponent and slashes her opponent in the chest with both blades in a X pattern, breaking the ribs and doing other damage. She then uses her spiked heel to kick the opponent in the eye, puncturing it.


Feeding Frenzy: Rayne forces the opponent on their knees. She then exposes their neck and bites down on their jugular vein. Blood flies as the opponent struggles to get free but eventually stops moving. Rayne then proceeds to rip the opponent's throat out and lets the body fall. She then looks at the screen and gives the player a seductive giggle.

Arm Break and Decapitation: Rayne spins kicks the opponent, sending the opponent flying and lands on the stomach. The opponent tries to crawl away, but Rayne seizes one arm and breaks it. She then asks the opponent "Does it Hurt?" The opponent screams in pain and Rayne uses her left wrist blade and stabs them in the back and lift them in the air. As the opponent continues to scream, Rayne withdraws the left blade but at the same time uses her right blade to decapitate the opponent. She then looks at the player with a sly smile on her face.

Voice Actress: Laura Bailey

Stage: Kagan's throne room

Theme: BloodRayne 1's Main Menu music (Splash 44)

Battle Intro: Rayne walks into the stage and looks at the opponent and says "I'm gonna to destroy you." then lets her wrist blades come into place and gets into her battle stance.

Win Pose: Rayne looks at the opponent and says "Aww, did I hurt you." and then walks away.


In a epic battle, the dhampir assassin known as Rayne had chopped Shao Kahn into pieces. With no way back to her own world, she wandered Earthrealm for a time. She was then approached by the Thunder God Raiden for a important mission. She was tasked to kill Sektor, the new grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. Rayne accepted the deal and fought her way to the cyborg. Even with his technology, Sektor was no match for Rayne and her supernatural powers and was slain. As reward for her duty, Raiden had granted her the right to lead the Lin Kuei as it's new grandmistress.     

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