Chapter 7

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"Kill them..." the same voice echoed. "You know what that sounds like a good plan." I say with an evil grin.

I healed the cuts that I made on my arms just by wiping it. I waved my hand towards the metal door keeping me in. 'I'm not staying here any longer.'

I could have done this but I didn't because of one reason. My parents...

But they've caused me enough. The guards charge towards me turning into wolves. I then put my hand out and squeeze. There body's implode with blood spilling everywhere. I smile at the sight of it. Some got on my hand and I licked it off.


I changed into a wolf charging through the hallways killing anything in my path. Soon my muzzle was covered in blood. The next people to kill.

My parents...

I wasted not time killing them having fun with their corpse afterwards. 'This... this is fun'

After I killed everyone in the base I went to go find the group. I was still in my wolf form when I found a house that seemed so familiar to me.

I suddenly get a image in my head. Four girls but their faces are blurred but they call out to me "Y/N..." four voices echo I'm my ear. This has been happening for so long just who are they...?

I turn into a human and open the gate and walk inside. I see this house inside with a garden in front. I walk to the front door and knock. Thank fully I don't have any blood on me. That would have been bad. But I am still wearing the things I had on when I was in the restroom.

A girl with pink hair answered the door. "You're from that signing earlier right?" I ask.

It was too dark out to even see what my eye color was, so there was no way she could recognize me, right? Wrong.

"Y-Y/N" She says with a shocked face. "Tell me this... How the fuck do you know me?" I ask putting my face closer to hers. "W-What do you m-mean?" She asks blushing.

"Theirs something telling me I'm supposed to be here." I say leaning on the door way. "Just what are you to me?" I ask staring her straight in the eye.

"You're nothing to them. Kill... them..." the voice commanded.

"I-I don't know." She says looking down. I scan her body and voice. It's the same as the girls that I've been imagining... I shake it off 'It's just my imagination'

'I don't have time for this'

I grab her by the throat with one hand and raise her. Her feet slowly lift off the ground.

"You know, I don't have time for this. Everything is telling to kill you, but I can't..."

She starts struggling and she takes hold of my arm. "Struggling won't help you." I say.

"Rosé?" I hear someone say coming closer. A women with bangs comes up to us and sees me.

"Hey!" She yells punching me in the stomach. I didn't budge, not even a tiny bit. I grab her throat and lifted her up. She keeps on kicking me but it doesn't hurt compared to what I've felt.

The girl in my other hand already had tears in her eyes. 'Why does my heart hurt?'

I try squeezing harder but my fingers don't budge. 'Move god damn it!'

Two other girls come running in seeing me. Seeming them like this makes my heart hurt. I try to shake it off but the feeling won't go away.

"How many of you are here?" I ask letting go of the two girls dropping them on the floor.

"Never mind. I'm leaving. Don't call the cops unless you wanna die." I turn around and feel something on my wrist. It feels like a death grip.

I turn around to see a girl with cat eyes. "What's wrong with you?" She asks squeezing my wrist tighter. "Nothing, I've always been like this. Now, let go of my fucking arm." I say giving her a death glare.

"Do you not remember us?" She asks. "What is there to remember I just met you." I say getting out of her grasp.

~Time Skip~

"Why didn't you kill them?" A dark figure comes out of the dark in my apartment. "I couldn't..." I say.

"Bullshit." They hiss at me. "I know right. By the way, who the hell are you?" I ask looking the figure. "You don't recognize the voice?" They ask.

'Voice? Wait... the one in my head?'

"Right you are, my lady." They say proudly. "You kinda annoy me." I get up from the spot I was sitting in. "W-What?" They said still standing there.

"Die." I say punching the figure. Black goo goes everywhere but then it turns into ash.

I feel something fuzzy on my leg. I look down to see that there is a tail? 'What the fuck? Wait, no no no-'

I feel my head and feel that there are ears. 'Fuck. How am I suppose to cover this shit up?'

I laid on my bed while looking up to the ceiling.

"Why did my heart hurt though?"

Oooo things are happening. I'm sorry if this chapter is bad. I'm stressing out over homework.

I'm Normal // BlackPink x Werewolf!Reader |Discontinued| Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя