Spending Time Together

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Tom Holland as a golden retriever puppy
Jared Padalecki as the veterinarian

Jared has his duty today. He was assigned on domestic pets. He loves dogs—so much, he built them a small house, all of them to fit.

A visitor came by, and brought a puppy with them. The citizen looked nervous.

"U-umm....hi? I ju-just found this lost puppy by the street. He looks lonely. He was whimpering all the time. Can you uh?...take care of him, Doc?" He asked, nervous. He put the puppy slowly on the table where Jared writes. He rubbed the puppy's head comfortingly, making the puppy get closer to him. He smiled.

"I'll take care of him. Thank you, by the way." He smiled. The citizen nodded and got out. Jared played with the pup, and making cute noises. The pup yipped, and Jared put him to the small house he built, but surprised when the pup whimpered.

He sighed, grabbing the pup slowly and put him to the table. The pup yipped and jumped happily. Jared can't be mad at the small adorable pup.

Eight months later, the pup grew into a dog—a happy dog that is. Jared keeps smiling everytime Tom did something adorable.

He named him Tom because it reminded him of his bestfriend, Tomas.

Jared took his day off, and decided to bring Tom to a place he always visits.

The grass field where the river is flowing peacefully and the surroundings are calm.

Tom barked when Jared grabbed his stuff. Tom was excited on where they're going. Jared closed the bunk, and went to the driver's seat. He closed the door, and was suddenly attacked by Tom—who licked his cheek a million times. Jared laughed and grabbed Tom's face.

"We're going to have so much fun, Tom."

They soon arrived, and Jared happily got out of the car while Tom was inside. He did not lock the door. He got his stuff from the bunker, and closed it. He opened the door on Tom's side, and carried him gently. He smiled as Tom barked happily.

His small amount of stuff was on his left hand while he let Tom down with his right arm.

Tom went towards the hill where there is an ancient tree full of fruits. They say that if these fruits are extraordinary and tasty. A person can know if you are truly a bad person, when you take a bite of a fruit, and you get poisoned, you're bad. But if you get satisfaction, you're a good person who deserves happiness and love. It is a gift from the people who planted the tree. The tree was magical, from its bright leaves that shone when the sun was hitting it. And brightens, when the moonlight dimmed.

Jared chuckled softly when he saw Tom couldn't reach for the butterfly he was chasing.

He prepared the picnic, as Tom went running around freely. He smiled to himself.

The food was ready, and soon, he called Tom.

"Tom! Come here boy! Food is ready!"

Tom went hurriedly and barked happily. Jared chuckled and carried him. He yelped in surprise when Tom licked his cheek and nose, and whimpered.

"You're so cute." Jared cooed. Tom barked happily.

They soon began to eat, while watching the sun set. Jared felt contentment and happiness, thanks to Tom.

"If it wasn't for that nice citizen, I wouldn't be spending time with you right now, Tom." The dog whinpered, and went beside Jared. He rubbed his fur against Jared and laid on his lap. Jared smiled, and just enjoyed the day.

"I love you, Tom. You're the best dog ever." Jared said.

"Arff arff." Tom replied happily.

They just enjoyed their time together, sitting their until stars were shown.

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