the jock who adores the nerd

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Tom Holland and Tyler Posey

This is just fiction, please don't take this too seriously, okay? Anyways, please enjoy!!

I glanced at the surroundings before me, and went to the house nearby. I was going to my classmate's house to do our homework. Yeah, yeah, typical nerd, I know.

Philip said that I should see a house, with a white car parked outside, and their house were lit dimly, saying that he wouldn't want his parents waste money on electricity. He's so conservative.

I went there, and noticed a shadow lurking inside their home. Being the paranoid that I am, I hid behind the door until it slowly disappeared. I sighed, that was close.

I knocked the door for about three times until it was answered by Philip. He smiled at me in greeting. "Hello, Tommy. Come in, come in." Then he bowed like a butler. I just chuckled.

I heard the door close softly behind me as I went to sit by the fireplace, taking off my bag first then my coat. I grabbed my bag and opnee it to get my notebooks.

Philip prepared us some hot chocolate, and played soft music in his pc. I was thankful that I have Philip. He understood me so well.

Philip and I met when we were in our freshman year, and now we're juniors. He was your typical nerd; I, myself, am also a nerd, but more sassy and classy. Philip's just, awkward and shy. He tends not to talk to too much people.

An hour passed by, and we already finished our homework. I decided that I'll sleep here in Philip's house, since I live alone anyway.

Philip was too nice to offer that I should live with them, but I declined, and thanked him after. I didn't want to burden them.

His dad lives with him, and he's the sweetest dad anyone wanted to have. He gave me blankets and food when he noticed that I was shivering when I was sleeping here few days ago.

"Are you sure you don't want to live here? We can always help you. I don't want you to live on your own." Philip said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his nape. I gently shook my head and smiled apologetically.

"I'm really sorry, Phil. I understand you want to help me, but I don't wanna burden you both." I said. He then shook his head and smiled softly. "Always so seftless. That's why I love you."

I chuckled.

Tyler and his bestfriend, Jensen, were practicing lacrosse for their competition on Friday. It's only two days to go.

They finished playing ten minutes ago and went to the locker rooms to change. Tyler can't stop talking about his crush, Tom Holland.

Yep. Typical. Super. It makes us bawl our eyes out, in cuteness.

Jensen can't stop rolling his eyes when his best friend just doze out while he was talking, his eyes forming hearts as if he's thinking about something that makes him like that.

Probably Tom, he thought.

"Oh my gosh, can't you believe it? His eyes, they were so beautiful it makes me burst with love when he looked at me. And his body, ooh, I can't wait to get my hands on his a—"

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