an interview with @YourAverageNerd_.

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    ❝If you believe in the impossible, you become the impossible

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    ❝If you believe in the impossible, you become the impossible.❞    

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Hello and welcome to an interview with the lovely @YourAdverageNerd_. What may I call you?

Either my username, Your Average Nerd, or my real name, Samantha. I don't really care

Ok Samantha! What started you on writing about superheroes?

I was never really good at writing about normal people in a normal world. I had just started watching The Flash and found some superhero books on Wattpad, and ideas just came flooding in. There's so much flexibility in the genre that almost anything can happen, so it was easy to think of plots ans storylines I could use in a story.

Haha! An avid imagination I see! That's amazing. I just started watching The Flash a few weeks ago and am loving it so far. Let's talk about your story Damsel in Distress. What started the journey of writing that book specifically?

I was following the early trend of Wattpad superhero books with a damsel who was saved and then visited by her local hero. It seemed like a safe start to writing in a genre that was still fairly new. Only later in writing it did I have the idea to expand my universe and the story into a trilogy.

That's cool that you had the idea, and enough of them, to create a trilogy! How far into the story are you with writing, and how do you think the readers like it?

Well, I finished the Damsel In Distress series a while ago, and people seem to love it. Since then I've written other superhero books in the same universe though.

Interesting! It's cool you have the chance to explore different aspects of the universe. Can we expect something as big as the MCU?

My other books in the universe are connected in the same ways the MCU is connected, except there won't be any huge crossovers between many of the characters and storylines anytime soon.

That's really cool! Sounds like an awesome trilogy to read. And did I read 'there won't be any huge crossovers between many of the characters and storylines anytime soon'? Does that mean you're possibly thinking of it in the future? Speaking of large plots, subplots, and tropes, what sub-genre or other genre would you classify your story in, and do you have a favorite genre?

There won't be a crossover as far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't know where to start. The books I would say are action/adventure teem fiction. My favorite genres are teen fiction, mysteries, detective fiction, and adventure

Can you tell me a bit about the story? Maybe a short synopsis?

Damsel in Distress follows a girl who gets saved by her city's hero and she somewhat becomes his damsel. She never wanted anything more than a normal life, but in the world of heroes and villains, nothing is normal. The rest of the trilogy introduces us to new characters in this world and by book three there's sort of an Avengers situation going on.

There won't be a crossover as far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't know where to start. The books I would say are action/adventure teem fiction. My favorite genres are teen fiction, mysteries, detective fiction, and adventure

Well, not a lot of people can do what Marvel is doing, to be honest. That's just too much writing! Though it'd be interesting to come across something like that. Do you implement aspects of your favorite genres into your story at all?

Yes, very much. I get so many ideas from the stories I read that it would be impossible not to.

Very true! I guess it's a "read what you like to write what you like" sort of situation. Are you happy with the story so far? Any changes you'd want to make, or things you want to add?

I would make so many changes if I could. I mean, I wrote that book years ago.

Never too late I suppose. Since we were talking a bit about the MCU, in general (in reference to superheroes as a whole), who's your favorite superhero and/or Villain?

The Flash (I know he's DC, but I love him) and Captain America or Spiderman if we're talking Marvel.

Oooooh. Interesting! Who cares about the whole Marvel/DC thing though? I mean, really? Both have great superheroes and villains. Why do you like The Flash specifically?

The TV show was one of the first superhero things I got into, and I just fell in love with the character.

That's amazing. I started watching The Flash, but then halfway through season one, I realized I technically had to watch the first two seasons of Arrow.


I don't know if I like Arrow that much to be honest, maybe I just haven't watched it enough. Seems very similar to the whole Batman situation. What are your thoughts?

He always has that "weight of the world" thing, and I hate when writers keep giving that mentality to their heroes every season. Like, give me more dimensionality.

Exactly! Is there anything else you'd like to talk about, or is that it?

I'm all good unless you have more questions

Nope! It was nice talking with you. Have a great rest of your day.

You too!

You too!

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A few final notes:

- Make sure to check out Samantha's profile and book, Damsel in Distress (and the rest of the series!).

- Vote for this chapter if you liked the interview!

A few lasting questions to be answered by you, the readers!

? The Flash or Arrow?
? Thoughts on universes as big as the MCU?
? Do you like standalone stories or series?

stay super x

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