Chapter 4: Sarah

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What the fuck is wrong with that boy?! Him and I can't continue like this! He's killed my best friend, dammit! This "friendship" or "relationship" thing must end. Yeah, he's cute, funny, awkward and has the cutest little gap, but I just can't do it anymore. It's sad because I actually gave his sorry ass a chance.

"Ain't no one coming up in this house, tonight." I mumbled to myself, locking my doors and windows.

He hasn't called, texted or came to my stoop. I'm glad that Tyler understood the memo. I don't plan on seeing his demonic ass anytime soon.

Shit, man. I really liked him, too.

My eyes slowly closed as I drifted off into a blissful sleep. At least I thought it was.

I ran through the forest, jumping over every log, rock and twig there was. It was life or death at this point. I heard his deep, diabolic laugh echo through the forest. I kept screaming for him to leave me alone, only to have him still chasing after me.

"Bitch, I'll get you! This is my murder cell!" He screamed at me, continuing in my foot steps.

What did I have to do to get him off my ass? There was only one option. Kill him. I made a sharp left, hiding behind one of the many trees. It was like there was no way out, there was an never-ending amount of trees. I heard a few leaves crunch beneath his shoes as he slowed down.

"You're a dumb bitch if you think you're going to make it out alive. I'll find you, honey." I felt an infernal smirk appear on his face.

The crunching sound grew louder as sweat began trickling down my forehead. As soon as he gets close enough, I'll knock his ass out. A blow to the jaw should do it. He crept closer and closer. BAM! I threw a punch straight at his kisser as he fell to the ground. I quickly got on top of him, unraveling the knife from his fingers.

"This is it!" I held the knife above my head, "No more Tyler! Ever!". As soon as I was on the verge of digging the knife right through his heart, a hand had stopped me. But it wasn't Tyler's.

I looked up, believing my eyes had very well deceived me. "N-Noah?" I stuttered. "This can't be true! You're d-dead!".

"Shhh." He shushed me. "Don't kill him. C'mon, get up Tyler." He helped Tyler off the ground as I fell onto my butt.

"B-But he killed you! Don't you want me to get revenge for you?!" I stumbled all over my words. I couldn't believe this!

"Thanks, Noah." Tyler brushed himself off. "Didn't I tell you? Noah's with me, now."

And that's when both of them jumped on me, swiping off my clothes. The damp soil pressed against my back as Tyler positioned himself.

"Good night, Zoe." He evilly chuckled as Noah pulled a plastic bag over my head.

I slowly began loosing air. Once again, everything blacked out.

My eyes shot open. I didn't bother to get up because I was used to having nightmares about Tyler. But this one was weird. Noah was alive... and sided with Tyler... Instead of me!

I swear, I hate Tyler for putting me through this! I can't get away from him! It's like he's with me... forever.


She deeply breathed as she laid her head upon my sweaty chest. If you couldn't tell, I just finished a up a round with her.

"Tyler, what's been up lately? You don't seem too happy?" She asked, tracing circles on my chest.

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