Chapter 9: Zoe is Dead

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"Wait, Zoe." I called her as she turned around. "What'd she say her name was, again?"

"Kayla. Why?"

Lying bitch.

"Oh, um.. Ok. She didn't say anything weird to you or something like that? Did she ask about me?"

"Um, no. Do you guys know each other?" She eyed me.

I could tell she was catching a drift that her and I knew each other. She was slowly piecing everything together as I spoke.

"No.. Just be careful around her."


"Because you can never trust a new friend. Keep an eye on her for me."

"Um, alright."

I came just in time. If I stayed out any longer, I'm sure Sarah would've done something to Zoe.

Luckily, Zoe is still clueless. She has no idea "Kayla" is actually Sarah. I need to take care of her before things get out of hand.

I would explain everything to Zoe but I don't want her to get worked up and start stressing. That's the last thing she needs right now.

As a matter of fact, let me go to Sarah's house right now.

"I'm about to go out." I itched the back of my head.

"Again? You literally just came in." She folded her arms.

"I know, but what I'm doing is totally beneficial to you."

"Where do you go anyways?"

"Right now is not the time for all of that, but I have to go!" I kissed her goodbye, darting out the house.

I had to get out before she asked me anymore questions.

I went over to Sarah's house, knocking on the door. She finally opened up as a grinned smeared across my face.

"Good evening, ''Kayla''." I smiled.

Her face dropped, "Um, I'm not Kayla. I'm Sarah.."

"That's not what I heard." I let myself in, collapsing onto the couch.

"Isn't it wonderful how people change their name and go to someone's house and befriend them, just to kill them?" I sarcastically said, laughing. "It's amazing, isn't it? Wouldn't you agree?"

She swallowed, "What are you talking about?"

"Bitch, I already know what you've done."

"How? How could you have known?"

"Your work is sloppy. Very, very sloppy."

"But I left before you came! It doesn't add up!"

"You left, but your scent remained. If you were smart, you wouldn't have sprayed so much of that cheap ass perfume before you left the house." I stood up, intertwining my fingers behind my back.

"Shit." She said, beneath her breath.

"Dumb ass." I laughed at her stupidity. What did I ever see in this girl?

"You do know I have to kill you now, right?" I simply informed her.

"Why?! Zoe wasn't even harmed!"

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