Chapter 6: Wheels

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Pregnant!? No, no, no! I can't be! Wait a minuet.. It must've been that time Tyler råped me! This so isn't good! I can't tell my sister because she'd be heart broken. I don't want to be pregnant at 22, I'm sure she doesn't want her baby sister to be either.

This is all Tyler's fault! Like I said, no matter how hard I try, I can't get away from him. And I know I won't be able to avoid him anymore because this child will grow up with both it's parents.

I decided to swing by the doctors to get a quick check up. Even though my period hasn't shown up for weeks, there's probably a logical explanation for that, right?

"Good evening, Zoe. What seems to be the problem?" My doctor sat in his revolving chair.

"Um... I've missed my period for two weeks." I looked down, fiddling with my fingers.

"Expecting, are we?" He rolled over to me. "Just sit back and I'll squeeze some of this substance onto your lower stomach to check things out. It may be a little cold."

I did as told while he rubbed the gel around, looking at the screen. "Well, there's definitely a baby in there."

"Fuck." I said under my breath, eyeing the screen.

"You're only two weeks so we're not able to track a heart rate of it yet."

"Thanks, Doc." I let my shirt down, hopping off of the bed.

"No problem. Come back in a month and we'll be able to check the heart rate for you."

I nodded, leaving the office.

Thanks to Tyler, my life is officially fucked up. Now I have to go back home and tell him. I wasn't planning on seeing his face for another 4 months to be honest. But now that we have this baby on the way, we need to be together.

I rushed back to my sister's place, packing all my things and leaving before she returned from work. She couldn't ask me anything about my weird cravings and get suspicious if I wasn't there.

I pulled into my drive way, emptying out everything from the trunk and bringing it inside. I couldn't help but notice Tyler mysteriously walking from the forest, behind my house.

"Great, you're back. Need help?" He offered.

I didn't want to take it, but it was best. Why was he in the forest, though?

"Um, yeah. The rest of the thing's are in the backseat." I eyed him, "What were you doing in the forest?"

"Nothing." He grabbed bags from the back seat, "I walk through it sometimes to clear my thoughts."

I just nodded, leaving the situation as it is. But he plays me for a fool. I know he wasn't just strolling through the forest for no reason. There had to be a catch. I watched him walk inside, eyeing his back pocket as a green, grimy mask with blood spatters peaked out of it. The same one he used to almost kill me.

I walked in after him.

"All your things are inside. I'll just get going." He said, turning back to the door.

"Wait." I stopped him. "Sit. We need to talk."

He look at me, strangely. "Um ok." He finally sat. "About what, though?"

"Remember when you råped me?" I glared at him.

"Um, yeah." He lowly said, looking down into his lap.

"You got me pregnant."

His head snapped towards me, "You can't be serious."

"Oh, I am. Looks like someone forgot to wrap it up."

"Shit." He gnawed at his finger nails, looking into space, "How far along are you?"

"Just two weeks. And I came back because we need to be together for the sake of this child."

"Shit, dude.. I'm so-"

"Save it. I'm fed up with your sorries because truthfully, their a load of shit. Just because I have to be around you doesn't mean I'm comfortable around you. Matter of fact, if I wasn't pregnant, I'd still be up at my sister's house." I said with absolutely no emotion.

"Well then why don't you go back? The baby ain't here yet. When it comes, I'll be there."

"Excuse me? First you threaten to kill me, then you rape me and now you won't even be around for these nine agonizing months!? You were the one that put me in this situation!"

"Look, man! It wasn't me! I didn't want to råpe you! It was all Wolf's idea!"


Who was Wolf?

"Yeah, Wolf. The demon inside of me."

My face softened as I went to go sit next to him, "Well-"

"No, listen. I didn't mean to hurt you, in fact, I love you. I'm kinda of obsessed with you as a matter of fact. And when you yell at me and constantly turn me down, that's when Wolf comes out. He always gets his way. Please believe me when I say that I don't mean half the shit that I do to you. It's not me, it's him."

"But, Tyler. You're a grown ass man. Multiple personalities? That's a little... crazy."

"I am crazy! I can't help it! I have no control over him and that's why I want you to go back up to your sister's where it's safe because I don't want to flip out on you while you're pregnant with my kid."

"Well you're going to have to try your best to be in control of him because I'm not leaving. I want to carry and have my baby with you around because in reality, you're a great guy but I just can't cope with Wolf."

"All I can do is try. But I'm not making any promises.."

"And that's why I want you to see a therapist."

"I already have one.. I just don't go."

"Well, we're going back there first thing in the morning for the sake of this baby." I took his hand in mine.

He rolled his eyes and smiled, "Fine. Ok, just for my kid. Can I get a kiss now?" He laughed, leaning in.

"Fuck it." I giggled, planting one on his thick lips.

Boy, have I missed this.

I yawned, "Damn, eight'o'clock already?"

"You have got to be kidding me. You're tired?"

"Kinda." I blushed.

"I guess that's my cue to leave." He stood up.

"Tyler, wait!" I grabbed his hand, "I want you to.. y'know.. sleep over?"

He bent down, kissing my lips, "Sure."

I smiled and walked him up the steps as he jumped in my bed while I followed. He spooned me as we fell asleep. At least one of us did. I was still up.

There was one thing on my mind. Why was he in the forrest earlier?

I slowly lifted his arm from around my waist, tip-toeing out the house, to the forest in the back. I turned on my phone's flashlight, creeping through the woods.

"Damn, it's really dark." I said to myself as my measly flashlight wasn't enough to lighten up things.

I kept walking until a foul smell wrapped around my nose. "What the fuck is that?!"

I lifted up my flashlight at tree, almost vomiting.

"What the fuck!?" I screamed.

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