Chapter 5: Fuck Tammy

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When his belt was finally off, his pants fell down to his knees. Shit! I tried kicking my legs around. But since he was straddling me, I didn't have much luck. Just one of his hands were big enough to cuff both of my hands together, while his other went to grab his penis out of his boxers and strip me from my shorts and panties.

"Tyler, please! No! Not this this!" I squirmed around as he tried his best to keep me still.

"Shut up, and take it." He bluntly said, pushing himself inside of me.

He put his hand over my mouth as tears streamed down my cheeks, "Don't you love my surprise?" He smiled, kissing my forehead.

I shook my head while he went deeper inside of me, laughing fiendishly. It's official now, I hate his fucking guts for this.

I couldn't help but cry the whole time. Why was he so twisted like this? I regret everything I ever did with this guy. He makes it hard for me to love him anymore.

Finally, after 15 agonizing minuets were over, he finally stopped and kissed me on the lips. I quivered to his touch and pulled away.

"What's wrong?" He asked, heartbroken that I pulled away from his kiss.

"What's wrong!? What's wrong!? You fucking raped me! That's what's wrong!" I glared at him, "Get the fuck off of me!" I pushed his chest away causing him to stumble off of me.

I stood up, putting all my clothes back on.

"What's wrong with you!? You're so fucking sick, I don't even want to be around you anymore!" I began crying all over again, "You make it so hard for me to believe you when you say that you're sorry! Right now, I want nothing to do with you! If I have to move out of this country just to be away from you, I'll do it!" I looked down, "Just get the fuck out."

And with that, he left. Not one word said. Time to pack up. I had enough of this shit. I just need to take a break, and get my mind straight for awhile.

I decided to go to my sister's house. I packed my luggage, hauling them out the door, to my car.

I saw tyler still on his way back to his house. He turned back as soon as he heard the trunk close. Fuck. He came running over to me, concerned.

"Where are you going?!"

"To my sister's house." I said with little emotion, packing the rest of the things into the back seat.

"Why!? I was going to leave you alone! You don't have to go!" He reached for my hand.

I snatched it away, "How can I trust you anymore?" I said, hopping into the driver's seat and shutting the door.


I ignored him, pulling off into the sunset. Goodbye, Tyler.


"But I love you.." I said to myself as her car was long gone.

I fucking hate Wolf! He was the one that råped her, not me! It really sucks that I'm stuck with these multiple personalities. I don't hate 'em, just the shit they do. They're always getting me into trouble. That's why mom suggested me to go see a therapist. His duck ass ain't do shit for me. Dr. TC. Boy, I hate his ass sometimes.

And now she's gone. Fuck. I probably shouldn't have told Sarah off like that. She probably doesn't want to see me anymore, leaving my ass lonely as fuck. Ugh, fuck it. It can't hurt to try.

I went to her house, knocking on the door. She finally opened up.

She scowled at me, "Your bitch is gone now, huh?" She sassed me.

I sighed, "Yeah. How'd you know?"

"Lucky guess. Plus, that's the only reason why you'd be on my front step. Or just to slip a quickie in."

I chuckled, itching the back of my neck, "You know me too well.."

"You ain't getting no ass either." She folded her arms.

"What?! Why?"

"Oh, now that your girl is gone, you want Sarah's pussy? Sorry, but I'm not just a second option."

"Are you fucking kidding me? You still won't accept this relationship-free dick even when she's out the picture?"

She rolled her eyes, "Now that you put it that way... But only if you belong to me now."

Fuck it. What did I have to lose? My real love walked off on me. Whatever.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever." I mumbled as she open the door wider for me to enter.

"Come inside." she winked, walking in before me.

I didn't want her as much as I did Zoe. But she'll have to do for now.


It's been a whole 2 weeks since I've moved up with my sister. A Tyler-free vacation.. How good does that sound!? It's so refreshing knowing I don't have a psycho killer to worry about.

"You ain't make me no lunch, Cherry?" I scrunched up my face, folding my arms, hovering over her as she sat on the couch.

I called her Cherry because she's always wearing that cherry-red lipstick. It doesn't matter if she's inside or not. I've been calling her that ever since she was 18. Now she's 24. I'm surprised her lips haven't turned a shade of red yet .

"Lunch?" She laughed, "Zoe, you have arms. Remember?"

"But I'm lazy." I pouted, "And you're my big sister... Cook me something!"

"I'm not cooking you shit." She laughed as she continued scrolling through her phone.

"Ugh fine." I scoffed. "Do you have strawberries and bacon?"

She looked at me oddly, "Strawberries and bacon?"

"What? Do you have it or not?"

"Um, yeah. Strawberries on the top shelf, bacon on the bottom."

I got up and went into the kitchen. I began frying the bacon as I set the strawberries onto the counter. I don't know but suddenly I'm craving strawberries and bacon. Odd, but it sounds delicious at the moment. The bacon was finally finished as I dished it onto a plate along with the diced strawberries. I sat at the table, digging in.

I couldn't help but think about Tyler. Sad, isn't it? I wonder what he's doing since I'm not there. Oh well, why am I worrying about his crazy ass anyways?

After my meal, I went into the guest room, falling asleep in a hot second.

I woke up to the sun beaming through the paper-thin drapes. Hmpf, no nightmare. See? Time away from that diabolic boy was all I needed.

I headed into the bathroom, freshening up. I couldn't help but notice my period hasn't arrived. Oh well, maybe it's a few days late. That stuff happens.

But as the weeks went by, there was no sign of bleeding.


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