Chapter 8: Wolf

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After that whole ''argument'' back at Sarah's, I went to Zoe's house. I still couldn't believe Sarah took me seriously when I agreed to being hers. She's dumb as fuck for believing me. At the same time I feel bad, not really sure why, but I just do. She's was heartbroken when I told her we were expecting. She had this look in her eyes. An evil look. I know Sarah too well. I know she's planning something big, I just don't know what it is. I have to be on the look out because I'll be damned if she does anything to try and hurt my kid.

I crawled in bed with her, "Told you I wouldn't be long."

"Yeah, but did you do the exercises?"

"Fuck. I forgot. I'm sorry. I'll do them right now. Where do I go?"

"You can go in the guest room. Do it again when it hits twelve'o'clock. You have five more hours."

"Ok, mom." I laughed, kissing her on the lips then exiting.

"Whatever, Ty." I heard her laugh in the distance.

I turned into the guest bedroom, siting at the foot of the bed. I sighed, leaning my head upon my fist, blankly staring at the wall.

"Where do I start?.... Oh! I know."

"Wolf? Are you there?"

I waited and waited for a response. This is dumb as fuck, but I have to do it.

And to my surprise, a voice inside spoke.

"Yeah, bitch. I'm here." Wolf replied.

"Yo! Wolf! Is that really you?!"

"Yes it is, fag."

"Holy fuck! This is amazing! Ok-ok.. I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I need you to.. go."

"Go where, nigga? Wolf stays."

"No I'm not fucking around, you really need to go."

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm expecting."

"A baby?"

"No, a shoe. Yes, a baby, dumb ass!"

"Do you not know anything about inner demons? I stay. You can't get rid of me."

"I can't have you around my kid, though!"

"I won't hurt the little nigga. Maybe.."

"Whoa! What do you mean ''maybe''?! You're not going to fucking touch it at all!"

"And what if I do? You can't do anything to stop me! I'm inside of you! How are you going to physically stop me? I have control of your actions, bitch!"

"I swear on everything I own, I will stop you if you fucking hurt my kid! Keep playing games, you fucking pile of shit!"

He laughed, "Good luck. I'm out this bitch. This is a waste of time."

"I'm not fucking done with you!"

Then there was pure silence. He really did leave.

This isn't good! My child isn't safe anymore! And I'm sure if he fucks with my kid, Zoe will never talk to me again! She may even move somewhere else with my baby! And to top it all off, I have Sarah after my baby, too! I could just feel it. Fuck!

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