Chapter 11: Drop

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Fuck! Could Tyler hurry up, already? I can't wait anymore. I've been pacing back and fourth so much that I'm damn-near close to burning a hole in the floor. I would always text him every other hour only to have him constantly reply; "Hold on, we're working on it." or "Soon. Give us one more hour."

Fuck it. Let me just get dressed, I can't play this waiting game anymore.

After I was dressed, I sat on the foot of my bed, slipping my feet into my baby-blue vans. They were a little old and beat up, but I didn't mind at all. They were appropriate for the occasion.

My phone buzzed besides me while Tyler's name popped up on the screen. I instantly unlocked my phone, reading the message; "You could come now, baby."

Fuck yes. Finally! Within the snap of a finger, I was out the house and on my way to the lake.

Before I could step foot into the forest, Eddy stepped out of it.

"Wait, you can't go in yet." He pushed his hair behind his ear, prohibiting me from taking another step closer.

"Why not? Tyler sent me a text saying I could come." I folded my arms.

"I know, but they need a few minuets. They're wrapping things up... Literally." He awkwardly laughed, "Plus, I was told to stall you."

"Are you kidding me?" I sighed, "I've been waiting hours for this, too."

"I know, I'm sorry. I feel bad.." He itched the back of his head, "But, hey! The surprise is worthwhile, just as you wanted it."

I smiled, "Cool. How long do I have left?"

"About half an hour if we're lucky."

"Fuck. Why would Tyler tell me I could come, then?"

"We thought we were finished but she got away. We had to find her and.... I've said too much. Don't worry, you'll love it, though."

Eddy wasn't making anything better. All he was doing was making me even more anxious.

"Um, alright. What am I supposed to do in the meantime?"

"We could grab a bite. I'm pretty hungry and I'm sure you are, too."

"Why'd you assume that?"

"Because you're pregnant. You know how pregnant people are."

I should've known better than to think Tyler didn't tell all his friends.

"Um, well yeah. I'm pretty hungry. I left my wallet at home, though. I didn't think i'd need it."

"It's cool, I'll pay for you. Musty Burger sound good?"

I laughed, "Not really. But yeah, I'm craving a burger."

He smiled, "C'mon."

Musty Burger wasn't too far, so we got there under ten minuets.

I couldn't help but notice Eddy was quite the gentleman. I'm talking about opening doors and pulling seats out for me. He's so sweet.

We placed our order and went back to our seats.

"Eddy?" I called.

"Yeah?" He replied, looking up from his drink.

"Could you give me a teeny, tiny hint? It doesn't even have to be much, I just need to know something."

He laughed, "Are you sure? I don't want to spoil anything."

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