Chapter 13: Boppin' Bitch (Finale)

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What the fuck did she just say? No, no, no. This can't be. This can't fucking be.

I choked over my words, "W-What-" I swallowed, "did you just say?"

"I said, I'm pregnant." She smirked, "Can't get rid of me now, huh?" She laughed.

Holy fuck. This is it! This is fucking it! Zoe and I are finished, forever! Shit, man! Wait, chill Tyler. She could be fibbing. It's a fat ass possibility. Over the years I've trained myself not to believe in everything Sarah says. She's a fucking liar.

"Why should I believe you? You're a fucking liar." The gun fell from my hand as I backed up.

"I'm telling the truth. I'll show you the pregnancy test."

"How do I know you didn't find a pregnant woman to pee on the stick for you?"

She laughed, "Idiot. Look, I'll take another one right in front of you, if that makes you feel any better."

I had to see it for myself. It's the only way to tell if she's really pregnant.

"Now, let me down so we could go to my house and take it."

I freed her and went to her house.

On the way there, I felt like pissing myself. What if she really is pregnant? Fuck. Let me get that thought out of my head before I really do piss.

We got to her house and she rushed into the bathroom. I heard her unraveled the test while I waited outside.

Now, time for the most long, agonizing minuets of my life. I felt a piece of me die inside as I waited. I gnawed at my nails as I continued to wait for this fucking test.

"Wait up, it's loading." She said.

Fuck, man. Hurry up! I could already feel the piss leaking out the tip.

"It's done.. Come look."

I began panicking as my palms became sweaty. Shit.


I was woken up by 3 little pokes on my nose.

"Eddy, wake up." She softly said, smiling down at me.

Her smile literally just brightened my whole fucking mood and my day didn't even start yet. Riotous.

My eyes flickered open as I finally sat up, adjusting to the bright, beaming sun.

"Do you want breakfast?" She sat on the foot of the bed.

"Damn right." My laugh came out raspy as fuck.

She smiled, "Good. Freshen up and meet me downstairs in the kitchen."

And with that, she left. I couldn't help but quickly glance at her ass. It was the perfect size, too. Fuck. What am I saying? That's Tyler's girl. But right now, he isn't acting right. He has a lot of shit going on with him. I doubt Zoe even wants to see to him anymore.

That still doesn't give me a right to go after her. That'd be screwed as fuck. I'll just leave it as it is.

After I finished freshening up, I went down to the kitchen and sat at the table.

"Mmm, is that pancakes I smell?" I smirked, taking in the delightful, soft scent.

She set down a plate with 10 pancakes in front of me. Holy fuck. They were so thick and fluffy.

She smiled, "I hope you could finish it."

"Of course I could. I fucking love pancakes, dude." I began digging in.

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