2. Wedding

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Sofia's P.O.V.

I looked into the mirror but I almost didn't recognize the woman staring back at me. My black curls had been pulled around my face and twisted into a complicated braid that fell down my back with sparkles hidden here and there. My eyes were dusted with a golden eyeshadow and my lips were a cherry red. My long body was covered in a white dress that collected in a train at the back. There was a golden band around my waits and a delicate collecting of flowers falling from my neck down my arms. I frowned as my mother continued to twist my hair. "Am I making the right decision?" 

"What do you mean?" My mother asked in a soft voice, poking her head out from behind me so she could see me through the mirror. "Getting married." I mumbled, almost regretting that I even said anything. 

My mother got off her stool and walked around to face me completely. Her shiny golden dress flowed around her elegantly as she came to a stop. "I asked myself the same question before I married your father. Then you aunt Tori told asked me if I loved him."

I gave her a half smile and stepped down from my tiny pedestal. "I do love Dylan, I love him a lot!" Even saying his name was bringing warm feelings to my chest. My mother took the veil off the table and placed it on my head with a warm smile. "Then that's all that matters!" 

I chuckled and looked to the ground sheepishly. The only thing missing from this moment was my father, although there wasn't really a way to fix that. I looked back up at my mother and pulled her into a hug. "I'm ready."

My mom nodded and softly kissed my head. "Lets go get you married!" I nodded my head and followed her out the door. We wound our way down the church halls until we reached the doors to the chapel. 

There all the bridesmaids and groomsmen were waiting for the music to start. All the guys were in black tuxedos while all the girls were dressed in golden dresses matching my mother's. Once Brooke and Tori saw me they practically screamed. "You look beautiful!!!" Brooke cheered, rushing over and pulling me into a hug. 

"Thank you!" I replied sincerely. Tori was the next to say something as she placed her hand on my shoulder. "My little niece is all grown up." 

"The only thing that is more amazing than the woman you have grown into is the ability you and your mother have that gets Tori to wear a dress!" My uncle Steve teased. Tori glared at her husband and I visibly saw her jaw tighten. I laughed before my eyes landed on my brother.

He walked over to me and embraced me in a warm hug. "You look beyond pretty, Dylan is one of the luckiest guys in the world." Everyone in the room agreed, causing me to blush. Before any of the other Avengers could say anything the music started on the other side of the door. 

"Places!" My mother whispered, linking arms with my brother. The doors opened and Tori and Steve were the first pair to walk down the isle. Once they were halfway to the alter, Brooke and Peter stepped out, followed by my mother and brother. 

It took a few moments before they all reached the isle but once they did the music instantly changed. I saw all the guests rise and turn around to face me. I let out a shaky breath as I took my first step down the isle. 

I ignored all the faces of family and Avengers around me and focused on Dylan. He stood at the top of the alter, smiling like a kid on Christmas. He looked so handsome in his tux and I couldn't help but smile myself. I almost forgot about that fact that I was walking down the isle on my own.

Before I knew it, I was at the alter standing across from the love of my life. The pastor told everyone they could be seated and the music stopped. Me and Dylan both looked to Tony, waiting for him to tell us what to say.

"To start things off I should probably open with a long speech about love and all the good things that come with it, but I'm not gonna." The crowd laughed and I rolled my green eyes.

"The reason I'm not going to do that is because love is messy. It's not perfect and it isn't easy and I know for a fact that both of you are going to mess up because even half gods aren't perfect!" He added, looking at me near the end. 

"The only one in this room who is perfect is me." He muttered quickly, earning another laugh from the audience. The billionaire cleared his throat and adjusted the red tinted glasses on his eyes. "Now that I've said that, do you have the rings?" 

Without missing a beat, Steve pulled the two rings out of his suit pocket. I took Dylan's and Dylan took mine. Tony raised his hands and rubbed his wrinkled palms together. "Alright, I have never done this before but I'm going to make this up as I go because I can." 

The crowd laughed again and I waited to see where this would go. "Dylan place the ring on Sofia's finger and repeat after me." My soon to be husband nodded and locked eyes with me. 

"I Dylan Richards, promise to take you, Sofia Hazeldine, as my lawfully wedded wife." Tony paused to give Dylan a chance to repeat him. "I promise to love you in sickness and in health, when you beat me in Mario Kart, if you ever eat the last cookie, when you get pregnant and become a monster made of pure hormones, from now and into forever, until death do us part!"

After Dylan and I had stopped laughing her repeated everything Tony said. The billionaire smiled as he turned to me. "Sofia, place the ring on Dylan's finger and then repeat after me." Tony couldn't even finish his sentence without laughing. 

I did as he said and held Dylan's hand in my own. Tony cleared his throat and then began. "I Sofia Hazeldine, promise to take you, Dylan Richards, as my lawfully wedded husband." I repeated him and then waited in anticipation for the rest of my vows. 

"I promise to love you in sickness and in health, when I step on a Lego you left on the floor, when you choose your best friend over me, if you ever to something mean to me in a dream I had, from now into forever, until death do us part!" I said everything Tony said through laughter. 

Tony cleared his throat and the room went silent. "By the power vested in the money I have, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride!" I smiled as Dylan pulled me close. His lips hit mine and I looped my arms around his neck. My heart was full of joy and I almost felt like I was walking on air.

When I pulled away the crowd was cheering and everyone around me had a smile on their face. I looked up to Dylan with joy and pecked his nose lightly.

()()(After The Wedding)()()

"I haven't seen you this happy in a long time." My husband remarked, falling down onto our hotel bed. I ruffled my freshly washed hair and sat down on the bed beside him. "You make me happy."

Dylan wrapped his arms around me and pulled the soft covers over our legs. "How are you doing? I know it was hard for you with your dad not being able to come physically." I let my smile fall before answering. 

"It was hard. But I know wherever he is, he's proud of me. Besides I had you there with me." My husband smiled before pecking my lips. "We should get to bed." I nodded and reached across the bed to turn the lamp off. 

Once the room was dark I laid down on my pillow and curled into Dylan. "Goodnight!" I whispered.

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