20. Peace At Last

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Loki's P.O.V.

I woke up with a warm stream of light shining down on my face. On instinct, I rolled under the soft covers and wrapped my arms around the sleeping body beside me.

Sera was sound asleep and I felt at peace finally having her back in my arms. I gently brushed a few brown strands of hair out of her face before landing a soft kiss to her cheek.

She began to stir as I slowly pulled away, although I was able to leave the bed without waking her. I pulled the loose sweat pants up so there were resting slightly higher on my hips.

As I wandered towards the window my hand scratched the top of my bare back. I drew my green eyes away from the quaint room and focused on the sun. It was shining brightly above us and for once I wasn't cursing it's existance. While I was away every time the sun would rise it meant that another day had passed, another day without my family.

I turned my head when I heard a tired groan behind me. Sera was sitting upright on the bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Morning, love." I said softly, sleep still clear in my tone.

She removed her hands from her eyes before a smile grew on her lips. "Goodmorning!" As I sat on the bed I noticed her fingers start to travel through her tangled hair.

"My hair is a mess." She muttered, letting a large knot fall in front of her brown eyes. "Nonsense." I started, doing the best I could to fix the mess on her head.

"You look ravishing." My wife sent me a glare before holding up one finger. "Don't lie to me, frost boy."

I chuckled before placing a kiss on her lips. "No, I'm being honest!" She let out a laugh as I continued to pepper her face with kisses. She gave up and laid back down on the mattress allowing me to hover over her.

My lips moved from her face down her jawline before landing on her neck. "Stop that!" She laughed, trying to push me away. "Stop what?" I asked innocently. "Tickling me! Your nose feels weird." She half whined.

I decided to poke at her face with my nose. She kept moving her head so I decided to stop and I pressed my lips to hers. Sera kissed me back lovingly and I felt her fingers travel through my black hair. When I pulled away she bopped my nose. "You're evil."

"Only sometimes." I replied before I rolled away so I could plop myself down. My body sunk into the soft mattress below me as my eyes continued to rest on the woman beside me. "You are very beautiful."

"You are very handsome." She replied, snuggling the covers up to her neck. "What are our plans for today?" I asked, ideas already forming in my brain. Sera thought for a moment with pursed lips before speaking. "We don't have any plans."

"Wrong." I said as I threw the covers off of my legs. "You are going to stay here while I make you breakfast and I will bring it to you when it is ready. Then we can do whatever you want to do for the rest of the day." I announced as I walked around the large bed taking up most of the room.

I could tell Sera was sending me a confused look but I ignored it and made my way down the hallway. I reached the living room and went around the counter top to enter the kitchen where I began to make a delicious breakfast.

()()(That evening-ish)()()

I continued to lead Sera through the tower, searching for a specific room. "Where are we going?" Sera asked as she tried to pry my hands away from her eyes. "Tut-tut, no peaking!" I scolded playfully.

My wife removed her hands and let me lead her through Brooke's transportation door. A blue buzz circled around us before we landed in the basement room of our castle on Cotone. "Now be careful because we have lots of stairs coming up!"

She giggled before fumbling over the steps with her feet. I held her close to my chest so that she wouldn't fall and we carefully maneuvered our way out of the castle. "Okay, you taking me somewhere to murder me because this is taking a really long time!" My wife asked as we came into contact with the grass.

"We are almost there, love. We just have to wind our way through the woods." I assured, pulling her away from one of the trees. "Mhm, that's where every murder happens."

"Well only a murderer would know that." I commented, seeing the spot we were trying to reach just up ahead. "I am not a murderer but I have watched enough police TV shows that I know how it works." Sera insisted, almost tripping on a rather large rock.

We exited the forest and I looked up to see orange, pink, and blue clouds dancing in the fading sky light. "Here we are." I said, removing my hands from her eyes. It took her a moment to adjust to the light but when she did she let out a gasp.

"We're home!" She breathed, sitting down on the lush grass. A soothing breeze blew around us as I sat down beside her. I used my magic to dress myself in my green leather outfit and Sera in a light pink dress that faded into orange with several light layers of flowing fabric.

I put my arms around my wife and she did the same as we sat there for a quiet moment. My green eyes remained on the clouds that continued to swirl. The sky on Cotone was ever changing and it was one of my favorite parts about this place.

All the gentle colors swirled one last time before they were sucked out of existence. The sky turned into glass and every star, planet, comet, and galaxy could be seen clearly. All the lights twinkled in Sera's brown eyes as I gazed down at her with a soft smile. "I love you."

She looked at my before pecking my lips. "I love you too." Our eyes wandered back up to the stars and a thought crossed my brain. "Do you think I'll make it?"

"Make it where?" My wife asked as she snuggled into me. "Valhalla, or Heaven as you call it." I clarified. "I know you will." She assured. "Even after all the things I've done?" I asked, fearing the inevitable fact of death would one day part us.

"Because of all the things you've done." She said, making my eyebrows furrow. "I am confused." Sera let out a soft sigh before speaking. "You had done so many twisted things and had horrible habits and some things I don't even know about. But, you gave all of that up and made the biggest change if anyone in history. And you are still striving to get better so because of where you were, and where you are now, I know you're going to make it."

A smile grew on my lips at her words. "Well all of that change is because of you." I said as I kissed the top of her head. "There is no question of whether or not you're getting into heaven."

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