17. Date Night

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Sofia's P.O.V.

I cradled my baby girl in my arms as I rocked her back and forth. Her green eyes had just fluttered shut and her tiny hairless head had snuggled against me. I brought her over to the crib that was in the middle of the living room and set her inside it very carefully. When she stayed asleep I quietly made my way back over to the couch.

"Hey Y/N!!" My brother cheered as he entered the room. "SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I scolded, most likely spitting in his face. The man squinted his eyes shut before wiping face off. "I'm assuming Fawn just fell asleep." He said in a whisper. "Yeah, and I would like to get a little bit of sleep while I have the chance." I responded in an irritated whisper.

Levi mouthed 'sorry' as he backed away from the couch. The boy grabbed an apple off the kitchen counter before a second person entered the room. "What's up, Levi?" Peter said, nodding to my brother. "SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Levi and I said in unison.

Peter nearly jumped out of his skin at our harsh shushing and looked at me for an answer as to why we were doing this. I pointed to the baby sleeping in the crib beside the TV. Peter, being a father, instantly nodded before pretending to zip his lips.

The man walked over to my brother before making weird symbols with his hands. "I don't know sign language." Levi whispered, making equally weird symbols with his hands. "Neither do I." Peter responded, continuing to make weird symbols. Both of the men chuckled with their hands over their mouths to minimize their volume.

From across the room I saw my parent's head's pop out from the doorframe. My father gestured to the baby's crib before mouthing something. I understood and nodded my head with my finger on my lips.

They both nodded before tip toeing into the kitchen. "You two look like the Grinch." Peter commented with a smile. "SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Both of my parents scolded, looking at him as though he was an idiot. Peter's brown eyes went wide and he raised his hands up in surrender.

Just then, Brooke walked in to save the. "How about we take you away from the sleeping baby?" She suggested in a whisper. "How did you know the baby was asleep?" Peter asked, reluctantly following his wife out of the room. "I could hear the shushing from upstairs." She replied before they both disappeared.

My parents both came into the living room and took a seat on the couch I was on. My mother gave me a hug before whispering. "How old is she now, four months?"

"It'll be five tomorrow." I said with a sigh, green eyes lingering on my daughter. "They grow up so fast." My dad remarked. "So do you guys, you've been officially remarried for about the same amount of time." I said, keeping my voice at a low volume.

Both of my parents smiled before my mother leaned into my father's side. "Have you heard anything form Max?" I asked curiously. At the mention of his name my father practically threw up in his mouth out of disgust. "No, I have not heard anything but I have seen him in passing a handful of times." My mother replied, ignoring my father's reaction.

"On a different note, what are you and Dylan up to tonight?" My father asked. "Just taking care of Fawn we don't really get much time to ourselves these days... Or much sleep."

"We could watch her and you guys could go out on a date?" My mother offered but I was hesitant. "I don't think that's a good idea. She's still so little and-" I was cut off by my father. "Nonsense, you two need some time to yourselves. We will watch her for you and the two of you can stay out as long as you'd like." I let my mouth hang open for a moment only to close it.

"Now you should go get dressed, Dylan gets off work soon, right?" My mother said. I nodded before getting up off the couch and grabbing my purse off the floor. "Thank you."

()()(On The Date)()()

I let my finger circle the top of the glass which was holding my champagne as my thoughts remained elsewhere. A hand grabbing mine took me out of my thoughts. "You okay?" My husband asked, sharp brown eyes boring holes into my green ones. "Yeah." I lied, giving him a bright smile.

"You're worried about Fawn." He commented before cutting into his steak. "Yeah." I repeated, although this time it was not a lie. "I am sure she's doing fine, she is in the arms of the people most qualified people to keep her safe on the planet." Dylan comforted, earning a glare from me.

"I am more then capable of protecting my own daughter."

"Oh I know, but there are two of them and one of you." My husband explained. "Ah, yet you forget I have both of their abilities." I said with a proud smirk. "Yet you lack the experience, young grasshopper!" My husband said before folding his hands together and bowing.

I giggled before poking at my food with my fork. "I love you." I mumbled soft enough to where he didn't hear my voice. The rest of the night went well, Dylan and I walked around the park and spent most of the evening enjoying each other's compony.

When we arrived back at the compound we found two tired grandparents passed out on the couch. "Gasp, look at them!" I took out my phone and snapped a few pictures because the two of them looked so cute!

My father's head had rolled all the way back and was nearly falling off the arm of the chair. My mother was drooling on his shirt but she held Fawn tightly in her arms. Both of their legs were lost in the sea of blankets that the couch had become.

I took my baby girl back and bounced her gently when she began to stir. "Could you get her stuff?" I asked Dylan, instantly earning a nod. Once everything was packed up I walked over to my parents and placed a gentle kiss on both of their heads.

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