3. Moving

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Sera's P.O.V.

I shuffled through my cards before eyeing Sofia with playful intimidation. "Do you have any threes?" The black hair girl smirked the iconic smirk her father once owned. "Go fish, Levi it's your turn."

My son, who was sitting on the floor, studied his cards while I drew an extra one from the stack on the coffee table. "Mom, do you have any sevens?" My shoulders dropped and I extended my hand full of sevens for my son to reach. "How do you keep doing that!"

Levi shrugged as he took the sevens and paired it with the sevens he already had. Sofia narrowed her green eyes from the opposite end of the couch I was on. "I am convinced he is reading our minds and we just don't know it!"

"Maybe, maybe not, I have been getting stronger with my powers but I know for sure that I now have four full sets!" My son boasted.

At that I tossed my cards onto the table and held my hands up in the air. "Well I think that I'm just going to quit because Levi obviously has a special skill when it comes to this game." My son took a miniature bow from his spot on the floor.

"Yeah I'm out too." Sofia added, shaking her head at her brother. I turned my attention to my daughter as I leaned on the arm of the chair. "What's Dylan up to today?" My daughter shrugged. "He's just working like usual, but he should be home soon."

"Oh yeah that reminds me, how was the honeymoon?" Levi questioned, wiggling his brown eyebrows. I looked to Sofia for an answer and covered my mouth to hide my smile.

The young woman swept a black curl behind her ear before answering. "It was good and a nice break from the crazy of normal life." Levi and I both exchanged the same look. "Crazy? The world hasn't almost ended in at least nine months, that's a new record."

I nodded my head in agreement. "He's right, we have been going through a season of normal." Sofia shrugged and relaxed further into the couch. "I know that but life is always busy. Our kind of problems are always way crazier than an average person."

I let out a soft sigh. "Well we're not really average people." Levi reached for the cards as he nodded. "Mhm, technically you and I are half gods."

"Speaking of that, I was wondering what would happen if I cut my hair. Cause I know I'm not going to look any different for the next couple hundred years but does that mean my hair also wont grow? Because I haven't had to shave in weeks." Sofia asked.

"I honestly have no idea." I said with a laugh. Before I could add anything else Tori walked into the living room. "HAS ANYONE SEEN MY HEARING AIDS?" She asked, unaware she was yelling.

I cringed at the sound and quickly signed, 'Please stop yelling, I speak sign language, remember?' Tori nodded and began to sign back, 'Sorry, I forgot.'

With Loki dead and Sofia and Levi spending most of their time with their Earth friends, it gave me plenty of time to learn sign language. Tony said me and Tori wouldn't need to learn it because his hearing aids would work just as well as normal ears but I insisted that at least me and Tori learn it for situations like this.

"Ask her where she had them last." Levi suggested, rubbing his right ear. 'Where have you checked?' Tori blew out a puff of air before signing, 'My bedroom, the training room, the conference room, and both of the other living rooms/kitchens.'

I nodded and tried to think of anywhere else they might be. 'Does Steve have them?' Tori shook her head. 'He went on a run with Sam and Scott about an hour ago. I doubt he would have them.'

I nodded my head with a small frown. 'I don't know, but we will let you know if we find them.' Tori signed 'Thank you' before exiting the room. I smiled at my children before looking up at the clock. "Oh gosh, it's getting late!" I quickly rose off the couch and dusted my hands against my jeans.

"I should- I should be getting back home." Levi frowned and Sofia crinkled her eyebrows. "Can't you stay for dinner?" They said in unison. I smiled but shook my head. "Thank you for the offer but I want to get back to watch the sunset. Besides, I still need to make dinner and get changed and all that stuff."

They nodded as I began to pick up my purse. "Hey mom." Sofia started. "Yes?" I asked, slinging the purse over my left shoulder. "Have you ever thought about moving back here? You're already here so much it just kind of seems silly to live on a different planet." My daughter asked, green eyes boring into mine.

I opened my mouth only to close it again. "I hadn't really thought about moving back... I guess I could do that, it makes sense."

"You don't have to if you don't want to. With the fancy door we have it's not like it's a ten hour fly anymore." Levi put in. I nodded my head and honestly began to take it into consideration. "Yeah, I'll think about it."

()()(About A Week Later)()()

I closed the car door softly and stood up straight. The soft breeze of the fresh air traveled through my hair and brought a smile to my lips. My heart lightened slightly at the sight of my old house. "How exactly were you able to get my house back?" I asked, following Tori up the steps of the porch.

My best friend pulled out the key and began to unlock my wooden door. "Remember when you sold it when you and Loki decided to move to Cotone?" I nodded. "Well my brother bought it just in case you ever wanted to move back."

She opened the wide door to reveal the cozy house. "It's just as you left it." My mouth fell open when I saw the inside. The half wall was still up, separating the entry way from the living room. My tv was still set on it's old rickety stand with my glass coffee table in front of it. I stepped across the blue rug on the floor and ran my hand along the top of the couch like it was going to disappear.

I felt a bittersweet smile grace my lips when all the memories I had on this couch came flooding back to my mind. I tore my eyes away from the furniture and hopped onto one of the stools seated around my long kitchen counter.

"You're going to have to tell Tony thank you, this means a lot!" Tori smiled and took a seat on the stool beside me. "I will. It shouldn't be too long before we get you unpacked. Steve and Levi should be here any minute with the moving truck."


Tori and I shared a laugh. "And there they are!" I hopped off my stool and went through the dinning room to get to the door. My hand twisted the golden handle and I pulled the wood open to reveal Steve and Levi. "Welcome to my humble home!" I announced as I struck a pose.

"Took you long enough." Tori commented. Steve chuckled as he made his way through the living room. Once he reached his wife he wrapped his arm around her small waist. Tori smiled and pulled him down for a kiss.

I felt my smile fall and the happy feeling from my heart start to fade. They looked so perfect together, like a happy couple... They had what I used to have but what life robbed of me three years ago.

My son frowned when he noticed the change in my mood. He looked back and forth between me and his aunt and uncle before speaking. "Mom, you could start dating again if you miss those feelings."

My brown eyes widened to the size of saucers at his words. "WHAT? No-No I'm okay, I don't miss those feelings I just still am getting used to the feeling of not feeling them." My son narrowed his brown eyes. "I don't need to read your mind to figure out that you've been feeling lonely more often then not. Especially since Sofia got married."

A million things were running through my head when I let out a sigh. "Let's just unload the truck, okay? One day at a time."

()()(Once Everyone Has Left)()()

I let out a sigh and let myself fall into the cushions of my couch. I tucked a soft brown curl behind my left ear before looking around at my boxes.

As I let it sink in I laughed at the fact that I have a lot more stuff than I thought I did. My fingers carefully opened the cardboard box at my feet.

Once it opened, I felt my brown eyes get glossy. There on the top of everything was a framed picture of me and Loki.

I let my thumb nostalgicaly brush over the image before forcing a smile. "I think that it's time for a new chapter...."

I paused and walked around the glass coffee table. Once I reached the tv stand I gently placed the picture face down on the wooden surface. "One without you in it."

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