5. Max

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Sera's P.O.V. 

I slammed the glass cup onto the thick wooden counter as the last drops of alcohol slid down my throat. My eyes began to droop from both the drinks and exhaustion, I had already been here for two hours and in that time I had finished five beers. 

"Another?" The ginger haired bartender asked, already filling up a glass. I placed my left elbow on the counter and let my heavy head rest in my hand in defeat. "Yeah." The man slid the glass across the wooden counter and I caught it in my right hand without even looking. 

My brown eyes loopily looked down at the bubbling brown liquid. I wanted to drink it but my stomach was telling me not to. "Screw it." I muttered, raising the glass to my lips, thankfully I was forgetting everything that made me sad.

"Hello beautiful." A raspy voice cooed from beside me. I rolled my eyes and placed the glass back on the table. "Great." When I faced the idiot next to me I took in his appearance. He had shaggy blonde hair and a semi-muscular build. 

"What's a pretty thing like you doing in a bar like this." He slurred, coming much too close for comfort. He was clearly drunk but not as drunk as I was. 

I pushed on his chest so he fell backwards. "Look buddy I'm not in the mood to deal with your-your flirty stuff right now... I suggest you move away, far away." I slurred, rubbing my eyes so I could stay focused. 

"Come on sugar." He cooed, wrapping his filthy arms around my waist. I groaned and forced myself out of his arms. I stood on my wobbly feet and ignored the spinning in my head. My flimsy right hand flew in front of me and my eyes started to glow with fire while I held myself up against the counter. 

"Look, I'm going to say this one more time because I don't think you think you understand me clearly." I mumbled, words starting to mix together. The blonde man made an angry face and started to approach me again. "Why I outta-"

"Hey!! She said leave her alone." A fully sober voice warned. A man who had been at the pool table across the bar walked over to us and stood in front of my protectively. 
"Thinkz you sir but I haves thiz all under my control." I insisted trying to step out from behind him. 

The blonde man scoffed. "And who are you, her husband?" The stranger in front of me looked back at me and noticed the ring on my finger. Now that I could clearly see his face I actually saw that he was kind of cute. 

He was dressed in jeans and had a blue button up shirt hanging on his shoulders while a white t shirt covered his chest. had short black hair that was around his head but it collected into a small set of bangs on the right side of his face. A subtle amount of stubble was growing on his face but you could only see it up close. What caught my attention was his deep brown eyes, different than mine. My heart started to flutter but honestly that could be the alcohol.

"Actually yes I am!" The handsome stranger said confidently. "You're my what now?" I slurred, snapping out of my daze. "Get out of my way!" The blonde man growled, going to throw a punch. I let my right eyebrow raise lazily, flung out my right hand, and shot the man with a large ball of fire. 

The dirty man went crashing into the wall on the other end of the bar and I smiled to myself. The sober stranger looked back at me in disbelief to which I shook my head. "Sorry." I faked an sneeze and let a small puff of fire leave my nose. "It's a medical condition."

The stranger nodded before letting out a small laugh. I got back onto the tall stool and picked up the glass of beer I still had on the counter. "I'm honestly not sure if I should thank you or you should thank me." He admitted, scratching the nape of his neck. 

"I had it under control." I mumbled, taking another sip of my beer. "Yeah I can see that!" He said with a chuckle. The stranger took a seat in the stool beside me and held out a hand. "Max Robinson."

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