12. Double date

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Loki's P.O.V.

I landed on the ground softly and let out a small sigh of relief. My green eyes scanned over Sera's house, memories all coming back to me from the first few days I stayed with her. I materialized a large bouquet of daffodils, Sera's favorite. I had dressed myself in formal human attire with a twist of my own. The tail on the top of my tux was slightly longer than normal and frayed. Green embroidery was on the ands of my wrists and around my neck while a golden tie sat on my chest. 

I walked up onto her wooden porch and was about to knock on the door when the sound of a mobile car caught my ears. With the setting sun reflecting on it's window, a vehicle holding none other than Max pulled into Sera's driveway. 

The fairly tall man stepped out of his car with a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates in hand. He close the door and began to strut my way with a confused look on his stupid face. "What are you doing here?" I hissed, sending the man a lazy glare. 

"Me?" He started, looking around in a sarcastic manner. "Last a checked me and Sera had a date scheduled for tonight." The man replied, shaking the flowers lightly as if they were proof. "You must have gotten confused, poor little mortal. Sera told me she was available and I'm taking her on a date." 

"At least this 'little mortal' was there to comfort your wife." He snapped back, making fire surge through my veins. "That's it, I'm going to-" Before I could get my hands around the man's neck the door to Sera's house opened.

I quickly retracted my hands and put a casual smile on my lips "Sera!" The woman before me gave a half smile half glare because I'm sure she heard everything we just said. She had her long brown hair curled to perfection and was wearing a deep red, strapless dress with a loose skirt. She had a small amount of makeup on but she didn't even need it. 

"You look-" 

"Beautiful." Max finished for me, causing me to glare at him. "I was going to say ravishing." Sera laughed lightly and it was music to my ears. "Thank you, both of you." I lost my glare at the sound of her voice and it softened into a smile. 

"Sera, would you mind telling this boy that he got his days mixed up and tonight is our date night?" Sera shook her head at my words. "No, I'm going out with both of you tonight."

"WHAT!?" Both Max and I yelled in shock. Sera giggled before grabbing my hand and Max's hand. "You two can't get along and what better way to help ease that tension than taking both of you on a date. Plus then I can compare the two of you more realistically. It's like a double date." She explained as she pulled the two of us down the steps. 

"Yes but don't you think it would be easier for us to reconnect more privately?" I asked softly. "If you're not comfortable with it then you can leave." She said simply, then she dropped my hand. I stood there for a moment as the two of them continued to walk to the car, Max's hand snaking around her waist. 

Shaking the hurt out of my heart, I teleported over to the passenger seat and opened the door for Sera. "Thank you, Loki." She said, climbing into the car. I shut the door while smirking at a annoyed Max.

"Come now, Maxwell, we wouldn't want to be late for dinner." I said, climbing into the drivers seat of Sera's car. 

()()(At Dinner)()()

I strolled into the roof top restaurant with Sera on my arm. "It's taken Max a while to park the car, should we check on him?" Sera asked, looking over her shoulder as we walked into the restaurant. "Nonsense, he's a big boy I'm sure he's doing just fine." I assured, planting a kiss on her soft cheek. 

Little did she know, I locked Max inside that car with a spell and it should keep him busy long enough to get through dinner. "Table for two." I told the man who was stationed at the door. "Three!!!" A familiar voice called out. 

I turned around in shock to see an out of breath Max coming up behind us. "Max... We were just talking about you." The stubble ridden man smiled at me. "What's wrong Loki, you look like you've seen a ghost." He commented as he gave shoulder a pat. 

I looked down at where his hand had landed in disgust, before following our waiter. He took us up several flights of stars before we landed on top of the roof where candles and fairy lights had made their home. I noticed Sera shiver so it must be cold, I can't tell.

We were seated at a round table and I sat on Sera's left while Max sat on her right. "This place is really expensive." Sera whispered to me. "You can say that again." I muttered, eyes scanning over all of the prices. 

"Somebody is a cheapskate." Max muttered as he picked up his menu. "Order whatever you want, I'm buying." He said, letting the menu flop against the table ever so casually. "Oh, but not for you just Sera and me." The man corrected, making my eyes narrow. 

Sera went to say something, probably awe over his gesture but I cut her off. "No, no, I will pay for Sera." Max waved me off. "I insist, I would hate for you to break open your piggy bank."

"For your information I can make money whenever I want. Watch!" I growled, pushing my palm into the air and using my magic to create the illusion of dollar bills. "Money, money, money, oh look! There's more money!!" I said, each time pushing my hand through the night air. 

I rubbed my right hand against my left one harshly and moved my hands back and forth. "Making it rain!" The blew a dollar bill that had landed on his nose away before speaking. "You've made your point Mr. Wane."

I straightened the top of my suit before waving all of the money out of existence. Sera had been quietly smiling to herself the entire time and was just now deciding to speak. "So Max, you mentioned that you were thinking of changing jobs?" 

"Yeah, I like where I'm at now but the hours are rough. Besides, I might be able to get a job working with you every day." The man answered with a smile. 

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