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Hi. My name's Tyler. I'm seventeen,  im graduating this year. The year that makes your entire schooling worth while. You got reputations to maintain, names to live up to, parties to go to, grades to keep up with, and most importantly... secrets to keep.

Now I have plenty of secrets.. like for example, I keep a shoe box full of candy stached under my bed so no one else will eat it on me. I have a stuffed animal from when i was a kid that I still sleep with to this day. I'm kind of a softie for animals, And many other things. My biggest secret? Well.. I'm not sure I'm comfortable sharing that with you just yet.... but maybe it's obvious, who knows.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a bunch of people sitting down at the lunch table with me. I smile and greet everyone from my basketball team. I'm the team captain and not to toot my own horn or anything but, I'm pretty good.

The lunch hour is spent goofing off with my teammates and just being the loud, obnoxious, hormonal teenagers that we are. I give a little wave and a head nod to people who say hi to me in the hallway, it still blows my mind at how many people actually know me or look up to me here. Being popular is overwhelming sometimes.

As much as you may think popularity is all high and mighty it's not. Yes, a lot of people like you or pretend to like you to get popular as well but you also have those who absolutely dispise you, just because you have friend's and they don't.

One of my teammates were teasing and shoving me a bit, causing me to tumble into someone. "Oh crap I'm so sorry." I said quickly. A guy I've never seen before, a new kid maybe? Looked back at me. He looked me up and down in disgust before shaking his head and turning away.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "Don't talk to me you fucking prep." The guy said. I looked at the ground as he disappeared down the hallway. I'm not a prep... am I? "Class starts in a minute lets go." A teammate said, dragging me off down the hall.

I was in the same class as the guy I ran into. He sat Behind me and kept flicking mini balls of paper at me. I turned around once the tenth one hit. "What?" He asked. I turned to face the front again. I heard him snicker before another one hit.

"What's your deal?" I asked. He only stared at me. "Like I said sorry.. i didn't mean to bump into you." I said. "I told you not to talk to me so turn your spoiled ass around pretty boy." He said. I sigh but turn around. I sit through another few balls of paper being carelessly thrown at the back of my head before turning again.

"Could you please Stop? I'm trying to do my work." I said. He shrugged. "Then do your work. Don't let me stop you." He said. "..it's hard to concentrate when you do that though and if apprechiate it if you stopped." I said.

"That's your problem not mine." He says before starting to make more of the little balls. I sigh again and turn back around, trying to complete my worksheet without ripping this guys head off. Like what's his problem with me? I didn't do anything to harm him on purpose.. and I said sorry!

I sit through the rest of the class, ignoring the build up of paper on the floor behind my desk before leaving. He walks on the back of my heels all the way down the hall until I turn off for my next class.

It's not until lunch the next day when I encounter him again. I was in the bathroom, washing my hands and humming a little tune. "Hey prep boy." A voice startled me, making jump and spin around.

He stood there, just staring at me. "Im not a prep." I whispered. "Really?" He asked. I nodded. "Are your parents rich?" He asked. "Well.. well I mean my dad makes a generous amount from work but I wouldnt say we're rich." I said. "You're a prep. Just look at you." He said, eyeing me and taking a few steps closer.

I looked down at my clothes and pressed myself as close to the counter as possible while he continued to come closer. I swallowed nervously as he stood practically pressed against me, i wouldn't look at him. He takes one final step, our chests touching. I let out a shaky breath, my hands gripping the counter harshly. He's very close, his crotch is literally brushing against mine.

He stops for a moment, examining me. "You're gay aren't you?" He asked quietly. "What?! No! No I'm not!" I said way to quickly and defensively. He didn't look convinced. "Really so if I...." he trailed off, bringing his hands to rest on my hips, his fingertips pressing softly into me and pulling me impossibly closer.

I inhaled shakily. "What are you doing?" I asked. "You know for a prep you're very pretty." He whispered softly, his hands slipping up under my shirt slightly. I started at him, trying to make it go unnoticed that my breathing is uneven.

His hand traveled further up, his fingertips grazing over my skin. I gasped, my hands leaving the counter to grab his arms instead as his skin came in contact with my nipples. He was smirking.

One hand moved out from over my shirt and cupped my jaw. He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I hated myself for the tiny sigh that left my mouth, my hand tightening on his arm.

He was full on kissing me and I couldn't resist not reciprocating. I whimpered quietly when he teased my nipple at bit more, i felt him smirk against my lips before he pulled away. Instinctively, I tried to follow his mouth. He chuckled a bit as he stared down at me.

"You look like you just got fucked hard for three days straight and I barely even touched you." He spoke. My cheeks felt hot and my eyes fell to the floor. "You enjoyed that wayy too much for a straight boy." He said in thought. "Maybe, just maybe. It's because you're not." He said.

He patted my cheek before removing his hands from me. My hand that was still gripping his arm was pried off and I held both hands to my chest, staring off at the floor. "See you round Pretty boy." He said. It took a second for me to register that he was about to leave but I quickly pushed off the counter and grabbed his arm again.

"You can't tell anyone." I said in a panic, my heart hammering against my chest. "Why not?" He asked, amused. "Cause that's my decision. I'm supposed to decide when people know." I said. "How about this. You message me later." He said, pulling a pen out of god knows where and started to write on my hand. "And were gonna set up a little agreement." He said.

"A- an agreement?" I asked. He nodded, shoving my hand back towards my chest. "Now get off me I gotta go." He said. I took a larger than necessary step back. He grinned slightly and left. What the hell just happened?

Blackmail (joshler)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें