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I woke up in Josh's hold, my face hidden in his chest. I groaned quietly, stretching. "Hi." Josh whispered. "Hi" I whispered back, smiling sleepily. "I never really took the time to look at you up close... wow." He whispered, eyes studying my face with admiration.

"Wow?" I asked. He smiled softly. "Yeah." He said. "Wow?.... what does that mean?" I asked with a grin. He licked his lips, his smiled widening. "It means you're beautiful. So beautiful in fact that I couldnt think of another word other than wow." He said.

I blushed. "Why are you so sweet?" I asked. "I'm really not." He said. "Cut the crap yes you are. " I said shoving his chest lightly. He smiled and grabbed my arm, pulling me closer. "Is it cool if I kiss you?" He asked.

"You dont gotta ask Josh. You know that.. you never do." I laughed. He shrugged. "Can I though?" He asked. "Yes you goof" I smiled, he did as well before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine.

He sat up a bit to hover over me. "I'm real horny right now." He whispered. I chuckled a bit. "Yeah? And what do you expect me to do about it?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand, guiding it to his crotch.

I giggled and gave him a soft squeeze. "I'm so gay wow." I said. "Oh I know." He smirked, grinding agaisnt my hand. "Remeber when you tried to tell me you weren't? I think having a boyfriend and rubbing his dick through his pants is pretty fucking gay Tyler." Josh laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up I was struggling to accept myself." I said. "Does that mean you have now?" Josh asked. "Maybe a bit. I'm definitely more comfortable with it now than I was before... that may only be cause you've had your fingers up my ass though." I said.

He grinned. "I'd rather have my dick up there but I respect that you're a virgin and you dont want that right now." He said. "I mean im not opposed to it.. I definitely want to." I said. "... and?" He asked

"And I dont know I'm a scared little virgin boy." I shrugged. "Aww poor baby." He teased. "Shut up." I pouted. "No it's cute. We dont have to right now. We can wait until you're ready." He said. "Maybe soon." I said.

"Yeah?" He asked. I nodded. "Not today.. maybe Tomorrow I dont know." I said. "Cool ... you should suck me off right now though." He said. I rolled my eyes with a grin but yknow, I still took his cock down my throat.

Afterwards we got up and headed downstairs where his mom was cutting up some fruit. "Morning josh, Tyler." She said. "Morning ma'am. " I replied. She smiled at me before turning to Josh who was rumaging through the fridge.

"So Josh you never told me where you and Tyler met." She said. "Yes I did. I told you school." He replied. "And is he your friend?" She asked. Josh turned to look at me, giving me a look that says 'is it cool if she knows?' I thought for a moment before giving a small nod. He smiled brightly.

"Uh no actually hes my boyfriend." Josh said setting a carton of orange juice on the counter. His mother stopped cutting fruit and turned to him. She smiled proudly. "Awee I'm so happy for you." She said hugging him. "Mom" he groaned, his face turning red as he glanced at me and seen me giggling.

"Sorry sorry I'm just so happy... but you better treat him good. I dont wanna hear back from him that you're being an ass to him." She said sternly. "I'll try... you know I'm not.. good with That stuff." He said. She smiled softly. "You'll be fine." She said.

He smiled as she kissed his forehead. "Besides Tyler seems like a nice well mannered kid. Maybe he'll be a good influence on you." She said getting back to her fruit. Josh chuckled. "Yeah." He said.

His smiled faded when his father entered the room. He stared at the man for a second before turning to grab two glasses out of the cupboard and pouring orange juice into them. "Josh isnt there something youd like to tell your father that you just told me?" His mother spoke. "Not really." Josh replied plainly, carrying the glasses of juice over to the table and handing me one.

He sat down and started drinking it, looking up at his mother as she set a plate of cut up fruit on the table. She gave him a look and he sighed, setting his cup down. "Me and Tyler are dating." He said to his father. His father hummed as he sat down with a cup of coffee.

He eyes me for a second before focusing on his newspaper. "Congrats....... just dont fuck it up like you do with everything else." He replied. Josh tensed with anger but didnt retaliate. His mother walked over, setting her hands on his shoulders. "Relax, breathe." She whispered, kissing his temple as he let out a breath and dropped his shoulders slightly.

His fists were still tight as she walked away so I reached over and grabbed one of his hands. He looked at our hands then up at me before standing up and leaving the kitchen. I watched him go before looking to his mom.

She sighed softly and shook her head a bit. "I'm making pancakes Tyler, would you like some?" She asked. "Oh um.. sure thank you.. I'm gonna go check on Josh." I said standing up. She nodded as I left the room. I found him outside on the front step and headed out with him.

"Hey.. you okay?" I asked. He turned to me, grabbing me and pinning me to the side of the house. I stared up at him as he stared me down. His expression softened after a few seconds and he let his grip lose before dropping his head to hide in my neck. "Sorry." He whispered.

"Its okay." I whispered back, hugging him. "I need a smoke." He said pulling back and feeling around his pockets. "Fuck." He cursed. "What?" I asked. "I left em upstiars." He said. "Want me to go get them?" I asked. He nodded. I pushed off the house and went to go inside but he stopped me. "Please." He said. "I'll be right back." I said with a soft smile.

I went upstairs and grabbed them off his dresser before heading back out. We sat down on the steps and he lit one, his head resting on my shoulder. "Why are you dating me?" He asked. "Cause I like you." I said. "Why do you like me?" He asked, bringing the cigarette to his lips.

"Cause you're amazing." I replied. "No m'not." He whispered. "I think you are. You're real sweet and soft yknow? You know when you've crossed a line and you know when to stop, a quality most guys lack." I said.

"I'm not. I'm just a fuck up. I fuck up everything. I'm an asshole and a piece of shit. I'm angry all the time and get irritated by stupid shit. The smallest thing can make me have a meltdown it fucking sucks and so do I." He said.

I sighed softly and nudged him with my nose gently until he looked up at me. I slowly kissed him and he let out a small breath. When I pulled away I pursed my lips and I wiped away a few tears that had slipped down Josh's face. He looked away and sniffled slightly.

His head landed back on my shoulder and we stayed there for a while, even after his smoke was gone. We stayed there until his mother came to tell us breakfast was ready then we headed inside.

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