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Later that night I'm pacing my bedroom. I still haven't messaged that guy, his number is still slightly smudged into the palm of my hand. Haunting me every time I look at it. I sigh to myself and pick up my phone, plopping down on the bed.

I contemplate what I'm going to say for a while, my mind always drifting to what it could be that he wants. Another few minutes pass before I type in his number and send a simple 'hi.'

Number: hi?

Me: uh.. it's Tyler

Number: who?

Me: the kid you violated in the bathroom today at school

Number: ohhh little closeted gay preppy boy?

Me: no

Me: well yeah but no I'm not a prep stop that

Number: whatever

Number: anyway down to business.

Number: you want to keep your little secret hidden?

Me: yes

Number: then all you gotta do is agree to being my little toy

Me: your toy?

Number: my personal slut

Number: when I'm horny you take care of it. Simple.

Me: uh no

Number: fine then

Me: what's that mean?

He sends a screenshot text of a message he typed out on Twitter saying how I was gay and stuff. My heart stopped.


Number: well looks like I have too

Me: ughhh fine Okay?

Me: whatever yeah I'll do it.

Number: sweet.

Number: see you tomorrow ;)

Me: wait I don't even know your name

Number: Josh

Me: okay

Josh: sleep well

Josh: you're gonna need it.

Me: what's that mean?

He didn't respond. I sigh and throw my phone off to the side, rolling onto my stomach and screaming into my pillow. Someone comes into my room. "You okay? I heard yelling." My mom said. "My lifes falling apart but other than that im fine." I said. "How is your life falling apart?" She asked amusedly. "Uh.... i dont know it just is." I said. "Alrighty." She chuckles before she leaves the room. Why did I agree to this? Crap.

At school the next morning Josh walks past me without a second glance. I don't know what drives me to do it but I run after him, grabbing his arm and dragging him into the nearest room, which happened to be a thankfully empty classroom.

He smiled amusedly at me. "Someone's eager." He said. "No shut up. I'm just.. why- why... why this? Why this agreement? Like... you couldn't have just asked for money or something?" I asked.

Blackmail (joshler)Where stories live. Discover now