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I woke up in Josh's bedroom. He was asleep next to me still. I gently shook him to wake him. He took in a breath stretched, peeking an eye open at me. "Morning." He mumbled. "Morning." I whispered, not knowing if anyone else in his house was still asleep.

"Wanna help me out?" He asked. "With what?" I asked. He raised his eyebrows, glancing down at his crotch. I looked down and flushed red. "Oh." I whispered. He chuckled softly. Still I got up and moved between his legs. I gave him a quick blow job before we got up and headed downstairs. 

"...can we talk about last night?" I asked as he opened a cupboard. "What about it?" He asked. "Uhm.. y'know why were you so angry? And.. why were you acting so weird?" I asked. He pulled a box of cereal out of the cupboard, looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

He looked back at the box before grabbing two bowls out of a different cupboard and setting them on the counter. "Its nothing that concerns you... you're just my toy remember? You're not supposed to care about my personal shit just like how I dont care about your personal shit." He said.

Well that hurt. "...oh... okay." I whispered, staring at the table I was sat at. He placed a bowl of cereal in front of me then stared at me. I looked up at him. "I hurt your feelings didnt i?" He asked. I looked back at the cereal, picking up the spoon.

"I thought you didnt care about my personal shit?" I asked. He smirked slightly. "Didnt say I did." He said. I looked back at him as I shoved a spoonful of cereal in my mouth. He smiled and shook his head a bit, going to put the milk away before sitting next to me.

The rest of Josh's family slowly flowed into the kitchen to get themselves breakfast.  I noticed Josh glaring at his father and grinding his teeth. I didnt say anything though. "Josh." His father said, a warning. Josh shook his head, looking annoyed as he focused back on his cereal.

When me and Josh finished eating he put our bowls in the sink then tapped my shoulder, gesturing for me to follow him. I did. We went to his room and he changed his clothes, not giving a shit about me being there.

"I'm gonna drive you home in a minute, you got all your stuff? Like your phone n'shit?" He asked. I nodded. He nodded too before grabbing his keys.

We went and got in his car. It was quiet. "So uh... you and your father?" I asked. "That's personal shit." He said, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "Sorry.. just trying to make conversation." I said. He glanced at me but said nothing.

When we pulled up at my house he parked the car. "Go get dressed I'll drive you to school." He said. "I can drive myself." I said. "I didnt ask." He said. I nodded and got out. I went and got dressed before climbing back in his car.

He had a cigarette in his hand when I got in the car. I knew he smoked so I don't know why I was surprised by it. The only reason I knew he smoked is cause he always mildly smells of cigarettes.  It doesnt bother me though. He stuck the cigarette between his lips as he shifted gears and started driving.

"You're staring pretty intensely at this cigarette.. did you want one?" He asked. "I dont smoke." I said. "Doesnt surprise me. A preppy boy like you smoking? Your parents would have a fit wouldn't they?" He asked. "I-... I'm not a prep." I said.

He turned to look at me, a grin on his face. "I'm not a prep." I repeated. He turned back to the road, taking a drag from his cigarette. "I know, just like annoying you." He said, smoke tumbling from his lips.

"Why?" I asked. He shrugged, tossing his cigarette out the window. "You're cute when you're grumpy." He said. I felt my face get warm.  He glanced at me, smiling. "You're cute when you blush too." He said. "Shut up." I mumbled.

He snickered as he turned into the schools parking lot. He parked then looked at me. "Now get out of my car." He said, his face going serious. I turned and scrambled to open the door, trying to get out but my seatbelts was still on. He chuckled. "I'm kidding dude relax."

I sighed and sat back in the seat. He got out of the car but poked his head back in. "Seriously though get out of the car I gotta lock it." He said. I nodded and unbuckled. He locked the doors once I was out and we headed inside.

He gave me a little salute and went on his way. I didnt see him again until halfway through third period. I had left class to go to the bathroom and on my way back I ran into him. He stopped me, pushing me up agaisnt the wall and starting to kiss me.

"No Josh! Not here!" I whisper shouted. He chuckled but didnt stop. "Seriuosly anyone could walk out of any class and see!" I exclaimed. "You worry too much." He said. I pushed him away when he still didnt stop. "I said no."  I wasnt in the mood anyhow, i was too busy stressing about my grades cause I did poorly on a test earlier and I've been lacking in that class lately.... because of Josh.

"That doesn't matter to me. You agreed to be my toy. Whenever I'm horny you take care of it or I will let everyone know what a little fucking gay twink you are." He said. "Josh stop with that please it's not funny." I said.

"I'm not trying to be funny. I'll hit send." He said, digging his phone out and pulling up the tweet. I stared at it. Tears gathered in my eyes as I looked to him. His face softened and he shut his phone off putting it back in his pocket. He stared for a moment.

"I gotta go back to class." He said going to walk away. I grabbed his arm. "You're not gonna do it are you?" I asked. He didnt reply, only ripping his arm out of my grip and walking away. I stood in the hallway by myself, scared to death and not knowing what to do.

(Uhm oof???)

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