why are you alive!(part 2)

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(Tom's Pov)

"OH HELL NO WH-""TOM!" Edd yelled cutting me off.

"NO HE BLEW UP THE HOUSE AND TRIED TO KILL US!" I had yelled at Edd absolutely Furious with the way he is just going to act like nothing happened.

(Tord's Pov)

'Oh nonononono I it's Tom he is going to kill me' I had thought but then I had got up and ran as far away from them.

"TORD WAIT!" Edd had called out and was running behind me. Then soon enough Matt and Tom was running after me.

"TORD PLEASE!" Edd had called out to me but I just kept running. I had been cornered in an alley way.

"Tord please I just want to talk." Edd said trying to walk up to me. Turned out that I could jump over the wall behind me. So I jumped over the wall and ran as fast as I can till I was out of there sight.

*Time skip*

" I am home!" I had yelled then Paul and Pat came dashing to me.

"why didn't you tell us you left!?" pat said while hugging me.

"uhh..yes I did." I had said. This is awkward.

"No you didn't!" pat said.

"I am pretty sure I did." I said while breaking the hug.

*flaaaaaash baaack*

I walked out of my room and then I decided to go for a walk so I walked down the stairs to the front door.

"I am going for a walk I be back!" I had yelled while walking out the door.

*End of flashback*

"We were still sleeping." pat had said with a ' really face'.

"Oh...Well I am going to my room." I said while going to up the stairs. I walk in my room then shut the door and plopped face first on to my bed.

(Tom's Pov)

He is alive how when he should be dead-"Tord wait!"Edd yelled running for Tord. Why in the bloody hell is he going after that commie!

"Ugh Come on Matt let's go get Edd!" I said while running after Edd. When I am done with that commie he is going to wish he died.

"Tord please!" Edd was yelling. Man those two are fast! By the time we got to Edd Tord was long gone.

"Stupid commie." I said while turning around to go home.

"Tom wait we got to look for Tord-""You go find him if you want I am going home. I am going nowhere near that stupid commie. And if I do I can guarantee he won't be living when I am done with him." I said while walking away from Matt and Edd to go home.

(Edd's Pov)

"Come on Matt let's go find Tord." I said going the direction Tord ran.

"Ok let's go find Todd!" Matt had yelled while following me.

"Tord not Todd." I said to Matt while facepalming.

Yay I am proud of dis kinda anyways I hope you lovely readers are enjoying story so far~
Anyway I will see you in the next chapter. OwO

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