I do still love him

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(Tom's Pov)

I was flipping still in love with this commie! No I can't be it must be some sort of mistake it can't be possible. I placed my hand were my heart is and it was beating fast...really fast. My eyes (or what ever you can call it) widened

"I do still love him.....?"

(Tord's Pov)

I watched as Tom unpinned my robotic arm and place his hand on were his heart is. And his black voids for eyes widened and he muttered something under his breath. But I couldn't hear what he said but instead I had noticed the position we were in and blushed.

"I'm sorry......" I said while looking Tom dead in the 'eyes'.

"Sorry do you think sorry is going to fix what you have done!" Tom had yelled pining my robotic arm again and looked at me with a death glare.

Then Tom stopped. His expression turned from pure rage to a worried expression.

"d-did I do that...?" He said while looking at my scarred face. I just nodded yes then he touched my scarred face. I had tensed up and flinched a little but quickly relaxed. He then looked at my robotic arm and gasped and did something I thought he would never do.......it honestly took me by surprise.

"I-I am s-sorry" Tom said and I just sat there dumbfounded, surprised, and flustered as Tom hugged me.

"N-no I should be the sorry one" I had said while looking at Tom but slightly but when I actually faced down to look at Tom I was met with hair to my face it was really soft......he is adorable......WHAT DID I  JUST SAY OR THINK!  I don't hate Tom and I most certainly DON'T love him..... I think? Then I heard soft snoring from Tom he had a tight grip on me but it loosened as he fell into a deeper sleep. So I moved Tom of me and picked him up and walked to the apartment building's.

*Time skip*
I got to Tom's apartment and opened the door and apparently it wasn't locked but when I got in it was a total mess. I had carried Tom to what I thought was his room and I was right but it was even worse than the other room's.

"Oh Tom what am I going to do with you." I said while looking at Tom.

*yet another time skip*(still Tord's Pov)

I finished cleaning everything in Tom's room.


Going to cut it short cuz I am an ass.

See you lovely readers later~

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