new voice?

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Jesus Christ everyone in my school is ghetto like someone beat up a teacher and like before summer someone broke a window! And there were like three fights in my fourth hour class! I really want to change schools.

(Tom's Pov)

Holy shit Edd found us!

"Tom come on we have to go!" Tord said as he stood up from his bed and then literally picked me up bridaly style.

"Tord Tom we need to leave now!" I herd Paul yell as I herd a gun shot.

"you are surrounded give up!" I heard the police call out! Got dammit I hate Edd so much right now!

"Were coming!" Tord yelled as he rushed down stairs with me in his arms a blushing mess.

"Oh God Edd found us! How!" Matt said while holding onto his hair in distress.

"he tracked my phone." I said as I buried my face into Tord's chest.

"HE WHAT!" pat had yelled.

"ugh Tord you should have been more careful!" Paul yelled as we tried to find a way out.

"come on let's take the back door!" pat had yelled while opening the back door. I was still in Tord's arms and they had to shoot down anyone who tried to stop us.

This is all my fault.

Yes it is! Maybe you should just leave and save them the trouble.

Maybe I should....

Tord doesn't love you! He loves Edd! He is just acting!


When you sleep he is just going to take you to Edd and let him kill you!

T-that's not true!

OK then go to sleep and find out I was right.

I....I'm not tired.....

You know it's true you just keep denying it.

Leave me alone....stupid depressio......


it was a total different voice from before. What is happening?

Hello Thomas  I finally get to see you....woops I mean meet you...


Hmm... I am very sorry that we had to meet this way I hope you could forgive me.

WA....... What are you talking about?.........


What do you mean!?

I was so confused right now I was still in Tord's arms but I glanced behind us and we were practically being chased by the cops. I then felt a sharp pain in my head and then soon my hole body.


I had claws! Holy shit what's happening!

"t-tom?" I heard Tord ask me but he sounded scared.

"T-Tord what's happening?" I asked Tord looking up at him terrified.


Did short again sorry...anyways hope you injoyd the chapter. Also drew some pictures.

Dis when he met velvet leader

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Dis when he met velvet leader.

Dis when he met velvet leader

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Dis when they kissed.(I can not draw people kissing. QwQ) anyways.

I will see you lovely readers later~

Rosa out! ÒwÓ

Words 469

I love you I hate you ( TomTord)[ Complete ]Where stories live. Discover now