my girl

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The feeling of a pair of arms wrapping around your waist makes you tense up, only until you recognize the scent surrounding you. "Hi baby." Noah mumbles, before leaning down to kiss your neck.

You turn around in his hold with a smile on your face. "Hi."

"I was thinking we could hang out after school. You know, Netflix and chill." He leans against the locker besides yours and winks jokingly.

Your smile widens and you giggle at his goofiness. "Alright, as long as I get to pick the movie."

He grins. "Of course princess."

It's now the end of the day and you're walking towards the entrance of the school to meet Noah.
Usually he'd wait for you outside your class but he had to talk to his football coach today.

Right as you walk outside, you bump into a hard surface.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking-" The person cuts you off with a chuckle.

"It's alright babe."

You look up at the unfamiliar voice and frown. It's definitely not Noah so why would he be calling you babe?

You send the guy a smile and attempt to walk around him, that is before he grabs onto your wrist.

"Hey, where are you headed?" He asks, a smirk now resting on his face.

You try to tug your arm out of his grip but it's no use. "I-I'm meeting up with my boyfriend." You start to get nervous when he looks you up and down.

The guys grins. "Oh that's right, you're Noah's girl." You slowly nod at his words. "They were right, you are fine as hell."

You mentally cringe at his words and try to tug your arm out of his hand once again. "I-I should go, he's probably waiting-"

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind. He's always been good with sharing." The guy pulls you closer and your heart pounds in your chest.

You've never dealt with something like this.
You didn't think you'd have to.

"No, really-"

"Come on babe, relax." He rolls his eyes. "Let's go have some fun-"

This time he's the one getting cut off, but not by you.

"What the hell is going on?"

You sigh in relief when you hear his voice from down the hall. Noah rushes over with a glare on his face, directed at the guy holding onto you.

The guy chuckles. "Nothing man, just messing around." His grip tightens on your arm, making you wince.

"Let go of her. Now." Noah says with his jaw clenched.

The guys scoffs and tugs your body towards him. "Dude, just let me have her for a few hours-"

Noah cuts him off once again, but this time it's by shoving his chest. This causes the guy to let go of you and stumble back. Your eyes widen at the scene in front of you.

Noah walks towards the guy. "Fuck. off." He says through gritted teeth.

The guy holds his hands up in surrender. "Fine, fine. I'll try again tomorrow." He begins to turn around with a smirk on his face when all of a sudden Noah grabs onto his shoulder, turns him around, and punches him.

You gasp and take a step back. "N-Noah, stop."

"Don't ever put your dirty hands on her again." Noah grips the collar of his shirt. "If I see you talking to her, or even looking in her direction, i'll break every single bone in your god damn body. Understand?" This is probably the angriest you've ever seen him. The guy quickly nods.

You decide to walk up behind him and place your hand on his shoulder. "Noah, come on." You whisper.

He sends the guy one last glare before turning around, grabbing your hand, and pulling the both of you towards his car.

"Slow down!" You exclaim as you struggle to keep up with his long strides.

Noah does as you say. "Sorry." He mumbles.

You suddenly stop walking, making him do the same, and turn to look up at him. "Why'd you hit him? That wasn't necessary." You ask quietly.

He sighs and reaches out to lace your fingers together. "I don't like when other guys touch my girl, especially if they're hurting you."

You smile and place your hands on each side of his face before standing on your tippy toes and leaning up to kiss him. He smiles against your lips and wraps his arms around your waist.

After a few seconds, you pull away.
"I love you Noah."

His smile widens. "I love you more."

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