beach trip

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"Hurry up Y/N! The boys are here!" Your best friend shouts from downstairs.

You quickly throw on some shorts over the bathing suit you chose and rush down the stairs.

Y/F/N rolls her eyes. "About time."

You smile sheepishly and follow her out the door. "Sorry, I didn't know which one to wear."

She wiggles her eyebrows. "It's fine. I know who you're trying to impress."

A blush appears on your cheeks and you nudge her side. "Quiet." Y/F/N just laughs.

"Shotgun!" She yells, running ahead of you towards the Jeep parked in your driveway.

You roll your eyes and pull open the door once you reach it, only to see Noah and Josh in the back too, both friends from school.

Noah smiles. He got stuck with the middle seat. "Hey Y/N."

The blush on your cheeks is still there as you take a seat and buckle up. "Hey Noah."

You notice Josh nudging Noah's side as he stares at you. You ignore it and greet Mason, the one driving you all.

It takes around an hour to reach the beach.
The ride there, everyone was singing and laughing. Halfway through the drive, Noah's arm shifted to around the back of your seat. It caused him to move even closer than before. You tried your best to ignore it but you were super nervous the whole time.

"Fucking finally!" Y/F/N says as you all step out of the car. You laugh at her excitement and grab the cooler from the back.

Suddenly the large box is taken from your arms. "I'll carry this babe." Noah smirks down at you.

You mentally sigh at the nickname he called you. You've been crushing on Noah basically since you first met him. You didn't know it yet, but he felt the same way.

"Thanks." You smile up at him before closing the trunk and walking towards the spot the others chose with Noah beside you.

"Last one to the water is a little bitch!" Mason yells before rushing towards the water.

You laugh and take your time removing the shorts you had on. All of them follow after Mason besides one. Noah.

He waits patiently while you rub some sunscreen along your arms. As you're attempting to put it on your back, and failing, someone comes up behind you and removes your hands.

"Need some help?" Noah asks quietly, his voice sounding strained.

Your eyes widen at the little amount of space between you two. You nod and he takes the sunscreen from your hands.

He slowly rubs the lotion onto your back and shoulders. Your tense body slowly relaxes.

After a minute, he gently squeezes your hips. "Done." He says huskily, his voice sounding deeper than usual.

You swallow and turn around so you can look up at him. "T-Thank you."

His eyes are dark as he clears his throat. "Yeah no problem." He shakes his head and grabs onto your hand. "Come on."

You let him lead you towards the shore but stop following him once you're a couple feet away.

He turns around with his eyebrows furrowed. "What's wrong?"

You pout. "It's gonna be cold."

You and your friends didn't really choose the best time to go. Winter only just ended so the water is still a bit chilly.

Noah chuckles and tugs you forward. "You'll get used to it, trust me."

You reluctantly walk closer, trusting his words, but when your toes hit the water, you shiver and rush back again. "I-I think i'll just tan a little."

You absolutely hated cold water.

Noah shakes his head with a smirk. "No way princess." Before you can stop him, he wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you over his shoulder.

You squeal and grip onto him tightly. "Noah! Put me down!"

He laughs. "Okay, okay, fine." Then all of a sudden you're dropped into the water.

An idea instantly pops into your head and you do your best to stay under. You swim further away from Noah, or at least where you think he is since you have your eyes closed.

After about ten seconds, you slowly come up from the water, careful not to make and splashes. Noah is facing the other way, calling out your name. For a second you feel bad as he frantically looks around for you, but then you remember how he threw you in.

You swim up behind him and quickly wrap your arms around his waist. "Boo!"

Noah tenses. "Y/n what the fuck?!" He turns around and that's when you realize how angry he actually is. The smile on your face disappears and you open your mouth to speak but he interrupts you.

"What were you thinking?! You scared the shit out of me. I thought you drowned!" He exclaims, running his hand through his hair.

You step closer and grab onto his arm. "Noah, i'm sorry-"

He scoffs. "Whatever Y/N." And then he makes his way out of the water.

Well that didn't go how you planned.

You glance over at the others and luckily only Y/F/N saw what just happened since the others are tossing around a ball.

'Go talk to him' She mouths to you, nodding in the direction Noah went.

You slowly nod and head out of the water. You walk further up the beach and spot him leaning against the Jeep that's parked in the sand.

"Noah?" You whisper nervously once you're close enough.

His eyes snap to you and you see that he's a lot more relaxed now. You stop right in front of him and wrap your arms around your body. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

He looks at you silently for a few seconds before standing up straight and stepping even closer. "No, no, i'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I just...I just thought something happened to you and I-" He cuts himself off while looking frustrated.

You look up at him curiously. "You what?"

His eyes flicker down to your lips and linger there. You can feel your cheeks heat up at his intense gaze.

If you knew what he was going to do next you would've mentally prepared yourself a little bit more.

Noah cups your cheeks and leans down to connect his lips with yours. Your eyes flutter closed as you place your hand on top of his.

You were in shock but returned the kiss so you didn't embarrass yourself. You also really wanted to kiss him.

His lips were softer than you imagined.

After a few seconds he reluctantly pulls away and leans his forehead against yours. "I like you, a lot." He admits right away.

Your eyes widen. "You do?"

He nods. "I've been wanting to tell you but I didn't know how. That's why I got so angry earlier." He brushes your hair out of your face. "I can't stand the thought of losing you Y/N."

A soft smile appears on your face. "I like you a lot too Noah."

He grins and leans down to kiss you. "Promise you won't do that to me again?" He pouts playfully once you pull away.

You laugh and nod. "Promise."

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