silent treatment

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"Hey guys, welcome back to my channel." You grin at the camera. "Today, we're gonna be pranking my boyfriend Noah."

You're a pretty popular YouTuber, and the idea of pranking him came to your mind while you were watching couple videos the night before. You made sure everything was planned out and even pretended to be upset with him this morning before he left for work.

You did feel bad about it, but you knew he would do the same thing if he thought of it so that made you feel a little less guilty.

"He just got out of work so he should be home in about five minutes." You adjust the camera in your hands. "Basically, i'm gonna be giving him the silent treatment for as long as possible. Either until he gets angry or until I feel too guilty."

Your phone buzzes and you pull it out to see a text from Noah. You giggle nervously. "Alright guys, he just texted me and said he's on his way up. I'm gonna set the cameras down and wait."

You then place one of the cameras hidden next to a bush in the living room and one in the kitchen.

After they're all set up, you send the camera a quick thumbs up just as the front door opens. You pretend to be busy by going on your phone as you stand in the kitchen.

"Baby? I'm home." Noah calls from the hall. He enters the kitchen a few seconds later, looking pretty tired. That makes you feel even worse for pranking him.

In the corner of your eye you can see him walking towards you with a small smile. He wraps his arms around you and kisses your cheek as he whispers, "Hey."

You keep a blank look on your face as you scroll through Instagram.

The smile slowly turns into a frown when you don't answer him. "Y/N, what's wrong?" You pull yourself out of his arms and head into the living room.

You send a smile towards the camera and take a seat on the couch just as Noah enters, looking worried and confused. "Did something happen?" He walks over to you and bends down in front of you, placing his hands on your knees while staring at you with a soft look in his eyes. "Talk to me."

He sighs when you still don't say anything. "You were mad at me this morning, did I do something?" Noah stares at you, waiting for an answer. He moves to sit next to you after a few seconds. "Princess you need to tell me what I did so we can talk about it." His voice is soft, making you hesitate on continuing.

He groans and runs his hand through his hair. "I'm gonna go shower, do you want to join me?" His voice is filled with hope.

You staying silent is how he knows you're really 'mad'. You guys shower together basically every night when he gets home. The only time you don't is if you took an early one that day.

Noah kisses your head before walking into the bedroom, tiredly running his hand down his face on the way there.

You jump up from the couch and rush over to the camera once you hear the shower start. "Oh my gosh, I feel so bad." You cover your mouth and after a few seconds you take a deep breath. "But I have to keep going. Don't worry guys, i'll give him lots of hugs and kisses after this." You wiggle your eyebrows before setting the camera back down.

About ten minutes later, the bedroom door opens once again and Noah walks out as he drys his hair with a towel. He throws it in the laundry room before walking over to you, all while you sit there on your phone.

"Are you ready to talk about it?" He asks quietly. When he sees you still don't plan on answering, he reaches out and takes your phone from your hands. "Y/N, this is getting really irritating. Just talk to me." You can hear him start to get angry and the annoyances in his voice.

You avoid eye contact as you grab the laptop that's on the coffee table. Noah scoffs. "You're fucking joking right?" Just as you're about to open it, he snatches it off of your lap and places it on the other side of him. "This is ridiculous, I don't even know what I did! Why are you ignoring me?"

Since he took both electronics, you play with the string on your hoodie. Noah grabs onto your hands with one of his own and uses the other to turn your face towards his. You make eye contact and have to hold back a smile.

"Are you doing this because I forgot to get your coffee this morning?" He asks with his eyebrows furrowed. This time you have to hold back a laugh. You pull your face and hands out of his grip and stand up from the couch.

Noah quickly grabs onto your wrist. "Baby come on." You freeze when in the middle of him speaking his voice cracks. You turn around only to see Noah staring up at you with tears forming in his eyes.

Your eyes soften. "Noah don't cry, I was just kidding. It was a prank bub." You wipe away the single tear that had fallen and sit on his lap.

He frowns. "What?"

You run your fingers through his hair. "It was just a prank, i'm not actually mad, see?" You point towards the camera by the plant.

Noah's whole body relaxes and he rests his head on your shoulder. "You're the worst." He mumbles.

You laugh and kiss the top of his head. "I know, i'm sorry."

"Is this why you were so upset this morning? Was that part of the plan?" He asks.

"Yeah, I thought it would be more convincing." You giggle sheepishly.

He glares up at you playfully. "You're lucky I love you."

Your lips meet his for a short kiss. "Very lucky."

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