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"Want anything to drink?" Noah asks as you both enter the crowded kitchen. You shake your head and wrap your arms around your body.

Right now you and Noah are at a party.
At first you were reluctant. One, parties weren't really your thing, and two, you don't like how Noah gets when he's drunk. You only agreed because he practically begged you, and you can never say no to his puppy dog eyes.

Noah shrugs at your response and pours his own drink. "I'm gonna go find the boys, wanna come?"

You frown and shake your head. "I'll just stay here."

Why'd he invite you if he was only gonna end up hanging out and drinking with his friends all night?

He leans down and kisses your cheek before turning and walking away.

Now what am I supposed to do? You wondered, while looking around at the chatting people.

After about a half an hour of just standing there and occasionally checking your phone, you decide to go find Noah. As you're walking through more crowds, someone suddenly crashes into you. You feel a cold liquid spill onto your shirt and gasp.

"I'm so sorry!" A girl who's obviously drunk says
before continuing to walk around you.

You look down at your shirt and sigh.

Well isn't this night just going great.

You take a deep breath and walk to the open backyard where there's a group of people playing beer pong. You quickly spot Noah's tall figure among them and walk over. He throws the little ball just as you reach him. It goes straight in and the crowd cheers, while you wince at the loud noise.

Once you're right behind him, you tug on his shirt. "N-Noah, can we please go?"

He spins around with a smirk, almost falling in the process. "Hey baby, where have you been?"

Of course, he's drunk.

He walks to the back of the crowd so someone else can have the chance to play. You follow behind him. "I was in the kitchen. Can we go now? Some girl spilled her drink all over me and I-"

"You can leave, i-i'm just gonna chill here." He slurs, taking a seat on the pool chair behind him.

How does he expect you to do that?

"But I don't have a ride, plus I don't want to leave you here-"

Noah interrupts you once again. "No, please do." He laughs. "You've honestly been kind of annoying lately."

Wait what?
Your eyes widen at his words. You were definitely not expecting him to say that.

"W-What? What are you talking about Noah?" You take a seat next to him.

Noah Centineo ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now