Owen's baby sister.

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Name: Lia Lillie Johnson

Looks: Wide light blue eyes and blonde wavy waist-length hair. A jean skirt with blue lace (no pink), a blue shirt imilar to Izzy's.

Personality: Shy at times, crazy, happy, sarcastic, athletic, and afraid of heights and needles.

Bio: Hello I'm Kaitlin but all my friends call me Lillie cause it's my middle name and favorite flower. I don't eat as much or everything somewhat edible as Owen but I do eat alot. I don't fart like Owen. Izzy is my brother's crazy girlfriend that is like my sister I've always wanted. Owen doesn't know I'm coming at all.

sneak peak:

The sled falls an I'm last person. "Noah, Owen someone help!" I feel my fingers slipping before I fall, the cold air nipping at my skin, before-.

clift hanger

~~ this was the original version of song to you but i changed it. I know that there might be other storys like this, but if I haven't found one, yet on Wattpad. So if I accidently copy one, I'm sorry I didn't know. kl3~~

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