{2} I love you

676 15 0

Word Count: 1433

Isabella's Point of View

I get up from the large bed and head towards the large walk-in wardrobe and take my time to scan through the clothes then eventually pick a cute . I pull on a pair of then make my way to the large double doors leading out to the hallway. When I get out into the hallway, I realize that I have no idea where to go. I take a guess and go left. I walk for a few seconds then come to a large staircase. I go down the long steps and get to the shiny marble floor at the bottom. The noise from my heels echoes around the large foyer as I walk around, walking down a random hallway. This house is amazing. I've never had a big house like this before.

"Justin?" My voice echoes and I hear a faint In here and follow the noise, leading me to the kitchen.

"Hey," He speaks quietly and sips on his coffee

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling good, what about you?"

"Confused and sad." He mumbles.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He tries to change the subject but I don't want him to feel upset.

"Why are you sad?" I realise how stupid that question was as soon as I asked it. How can you not be upset in a situation like this? His wife doesn't remember anything about their relationship together.

"Cause you don't remember me. You don't remember that you fell in love with me and all of our memories together." He fiddles with his fingers and looks down.

"I do love you but right now, it's the I'm one of your beliebers and you are my idol kind of love." I try to make him feel better but I know I didn't help at all when he doesn't reply

"I'm so sorry, Justin. I really am."

"Do you want to come to the studio with me?" He looks into my eyes and I nod with a huge smile on my face.


We sit in the back of a large car, complete with a fur carpet and tv.

"Have you released any music since I was 16?" I ask.

"I've released a lot of music since then. I just released an album actually, called Purpose. You loved it." He smiles and licks his lips.

"Can I hear some of it?" I ask, hopefully.

"I'm going to sing some to you in the studio." He smiles and I hug him.


"You ready?" Justin pulls large headphones onto his head and looks at me. I give him a thumbs up and music starts to play.

"Ended up on a crossroad, trying to figure out which way to go..." He starts singing and I practically melt at his angelic voice. I listen to the rest of the songs with a huge grin on my face and I might have let just a few tears slip, no, that's a lie, I started full on bawling my eyes out. He stopped everything to stop it and I started crying more when he done that because he cared so much.

"So, did you like it" Justin hugs me tightly.

"Of course I did Justin! That was amazing!" I hug him even tighter.

"Thank you." I whispers, digging his face into my neck, "It means a lot that you like it."

"How could I not when it was such an amazing song. You don't need my approval." I kiss his cheek and I see him grin. -- "I love you so much, you know?" Justin speaks up, as we sit on the sofa, watching TV.

"I do know and I love you too but because I can't remember anything, it feels like I'm still a fan that adores you." I smile and hold onto his hand tightly.

"I'm taking you shopping." He casually says, "Now." He stands up and I follow him outside to his car.

"You don't have to buy me anything, I'm sure I have more than enough already." I try and stop him but he shakes his head.

"You need an outfit because I'm taking you out tomorrow." I can't help the blush that creeps onto my cheeks and get into the car. When we get to the mall, we're swarmed with paparazzi with cameras, all trying to get a picture of Justin to sell, "Don't let go of my hand, okay." Justin says to me and I nod. He gets out and makes his way around the car, opening the door for me and holding onto my hand tightly. We finally get into the mall and Justin pulls me into a store which has very expensive looking clothes in it.

"Choose anything you want and if you don't like anything in here, we can go to any other store you want." He mumbles cutely and we begin walking around, picking up cute clothes for me to try on then go to the dressing rooms. I go into one of the cubicles and lock the door, undressing then redressing into the dress. Definitely not. I try on all of the dresses and eventually find the right one.

"Can I see it?" Justin speaks loudly from the other side of the door.

"No, it's a surprise!" I laugh and hear him whine. I manage to get to the counter and buy the dress without Justin seeing what it looks like, which was hard because he kept pulling at my arm to see it. We go into a few other stores and I chose a pair of shoes and Justin decided that he's going to buy me loads of make up. We picked up a few more things, like a few shirts and hats for Justin then we started to leave the mall. Justin held on to my hand tightly and walked with me as we were, once again swarmed with paparazzi. I could barely see because of all the flashes from their cameras but I just let Justin lead me. They kept pushing and shoving me and I didn't know what to do.

"Aye, aye, stop pushing her!" Justin speaks loudly and pulls me towards him. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and we walk to the car. He opens the car door for me then closes it once I am inside. When he gets in, he immediately starts driving, slowly because of all of the people. We eventually make it to the highway and Justin glances at me.

"I'm so sorry for that." He speaks softly.

"Why are you sorry? It's not your fault." I push my hair behind my ear.


"Let's take a picture." Justin suggests, closing the refrigerator and taking his phone out.

"Um, okay?" I laugh and stand next to him. He takes a picture of us, my lips almost touching his cheek and my hand on his chest.

"Hey, where's my phone?" I ask.

"I think its on the table over there." He shrugs and types away on his phone. I walk over to the kitchen table and, sure enough, I find a rosegold iPhone 6s. I pick it up and see the lockscreen is of me and Justin on a red carpet, kissing.

"What's my passcode?"

"Um, 1402, the date we got married." He smiles. Awe!! We go married on Valentines day? I unlock it and go onto instagram. I look through my profile and see lots of pictures of me and Justin. I go onto Justin's page and see that he posted the . I went onto it and saw that he had wrote a huge paragraph about how much he loves me and how much I mean to him.

"You are so cute!" I rush over to him and pinch his cheeks and wiggle them around.

Ouch." He laughs and kisses my nose which I scrunch up in return.

"I'm going to go and change." I make my way upstairs and change into a pair of shorts and a sweater, probably Justin's, with WHITE on the back above some stripes. I put it on and pull on some fluffy socks. I pull my hair into a ponytail and go back downstairs to find Justin sitting on the sofa, playing on his x-box. I sit down next to him but he pauses the game and pulls me into his lap. I end up laying inbetween his legs with my back against his chest as he continues to play his game. I watch him for a bit then my eyes start to become droopy and soon enough, I'm asleep.




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