{12} The Call

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Word Count; 1634

Justin's Point of View

I haven't tried to contact Isabella since I found out she left, I don't think she wants to talk to me after the way I acted towards her. I feel so terrible that I'm the reason she went home. We should have talked it out instead of me yelling at her. I saw the Snapchats she posted that day when she went out in Brazil on her own. I should have went with her instead of going out to dinner. We've now moved to a different city and I've got tomorrow for a break then a show tomorrow night. It's been over a week and I've seen pictures and videos of her going somewhere and basically being mobbed by fans and paparazzi asking about the whole incident with the bruises and asking if she wasn't with me because of what happened. She just ignored everything they said and covered her face. I want her to come back, I feel like I'm missing a part of myself when she's not with me.

I was hanging out in Scooters room because I didn't want to be by myself in my room. I scrolled through twitter, checking Isabella's Twitter, update accounts, anything to see if Isabella is okay and where she was. I haven't seen anything from her and I'm worried. I almost screamed in relief when I refreshed an update account and saw that they posted something. It was a picture of Isabella in Starbucks that a paparazzi took from outside. I exit the picture and exit twitter when I get a notification at the top of the screen saying Isabella just posted on Instagram.

I smile when I see her gorgeous face, like the picture then screenshot it.

Seeing her picture makes me realise how much I love her and need her with me. I go into my contacts and click her name. I growl when it doesn't even ring and throw my phone across the room.

"What are you doing?" Scooter suddenly pops out and makes his way to my phone.

"She's blocked my fucking number." I sigh and run a hand through my hair.

"Are you sure?" He asks and lifts my probably smashed phone from the floor and looks at the screen, "No, you just have no service." He says and walks towards me. I quickly take it from him and look at the top corner and see that it does say I have no service.

"I'm going to go find service." I stand up.

"And get yourself a new phone afterwards." Scooter calls behind me. I don't reply and walk down the hallway, staring at my phone to see if I have any service.

I go into my hotel room and walk around it. I get service at the top of the staircase in the room and sit myself down on the top step. I hurry and call Isabella again, this time the phone actually ringing when I put it on speaker and set it on the floor next to me.

It rings over and over again and I put my face in my hands when the answer machine comes on and tells me the number isn't available. I'm about to give up and go to the bedroom when my lock screen changes to an incoming call with Isabella's name and picture. I grin widely and slide across the screen to accept it then put it on speaker.

"Hello?" I hear my wife's voice, "Justin?"

"Uh, hey..." I clear my throat and play with the bracelet on my wrist.

"Hey... Why did you call, do you need something?" She asks.

"Um... I wanted to apologise for how I reacted to the situation." I say quietly.

"Justin, I completely understand why you were upset with me. People thought you were hitting me and I didn't tell you so... I want to apologise for that. You were in such a good mood when I found out. You were meeting fans and smiling and I didn't want to tell you and take all that happiness away. I wanted to-"

"You don't have to explain, I get it... and I forgive you." I say quietly and play with my bracelet again, "I want you to fly back out here. It's been over a week and I miss you so much."

"Justin, I think I should stay here for a while and let you have time to your-"

"No, Isabella. I refuse for you to sit at home alone when you could be with me and having fun with me." I cut her off again,

"So, I'll send the private plane out to get you, okay?"

"No, Justin. I can get a normal flight. You don't have to go through all of the tr-"

"No." I demand, "I'm texting my pilot right now."

"Okay, Justin." She giggles, "I love you."

I freeze in my spot and let out a breath and a smile when I hear her say she loves me.

"I love you too." I say, "So much." I add on.

"I'll see you later then?"

"Yeah. Bye Bella." I smile and wait for her to hang up. I pick my phone up and put it in my pocket and make my way to my room.

It's the afternoon but I'm really tired and have a headache so I'm going to sleep for a while.

I feel myself beginning to wake up after what felt like an hour and feel half awake when I open my eyes and see Isabella sleeping next to me. I furrow my eyebrows and wipe my eyes to wake myself up and blink a few times when I see that Isabella is actually here. How did she get here so fast, I thought it had only been an hour.

I don't even think about how tired she probably is after a long flight from L.A. and launch myself at her, pulling her into a huge hug, basically laying on top of her. She gets startled and tries to shuffle away because she has just been woken up and is probably really confused. Her moving causes us both to go tumbling off of the bed and even though it isn't a huge fall, I quickly pull her to me and somehow turn over so my back lands on the floor instead of hers.

"What the hell?" She grumbles and yawns.

"Hi." I grin when her eyes land on me.

"Hey." She smiles back. "Why are you here so fast? I was only asleep for like an hour."

"Justin, you've been sleeping for a while. My flight was like 13 hours. It's like 4 am. I got here and fell asleep because you were already sleeping when I got here."


"Well, I'm really tired so I'm going to go back to sleep." She yawns and I quickly scramble to get up and help her into bed.

She pulls me into bed next to her and I put my arms around her tightly. She falls asleep after a few minutes. I don't feel too tired so I turn on the TV and turn the volume to a quiet one so I don't wake Isabella but loud enough for me to hear.

After about an hour, I fall asleep again. I'm pulled from my sleep when Isabella moves in my arms. I yawn and sit up to see it isn't too light outside yet. I guess it's early. I check my phone and see it's just passed 6 am.

Well, I have been sleeping since yesterday afternoon so obviously I'm awake right now. I slowly unwrap my arms from my beautiful wife and go into the bathroom to shower.

Once I'm showered and dressed, I kiss Isabella's forehead and leave the room.


I wish I could sleep for that long!!!

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