{3} Please come back

566 13 0

Word Count; 1380

Isabella's Point of View

I yawn and roll over onto my stomach, snuggling into the warm sheets. I close my eyes and try to fall back asleep but I hear the door open and see Justin peeking in with a smile on his face.


"Hey." I grumble and sit up.

"You have a good sleep? I had to carry you upstairs last night because you fell asleep on me when I was playing video games."

"Sorry, I must have been so heavy." I yawn, "But thanks." I lay back down but Justin jumps onto the bed.

"Don't ever doubt yourself or say anything like that ever again. You are the most perfect person and I wish you could see that the way I do because you are so beautiful." He stares deeply into my eyes and I almost feel that he is staring into my soul. I quickly look away.

"Thank you." I hug him tightly and he lays next to me, hugging me back tightly. We sit and talk for a while, have breakfast and go swimming. By around 4 o'clock, Justin said that I should start to get ready for our date. I go upstairs and into the closet. I go to the back and find the back containing my outfit for tonight and lay it on the bed. I quickly shower, dry my hair and get ready . I do my make-up, style my hair and apply some perfume.

"You ready yet? We've to be there by six" Justin knocks the bedroom door and I check the time. It took me an hour and a half to get ready? It's already half past 5.

"I'll be two seconds." I speak back, curling the last part of my hair around the curlers.

"I'll be downstairs." I hear his footsteps fading away from the door and put my phone into the small parse I would bring with me tonight. I quickly check that my make-up is perfect and my hair is looking great before smoothing out my dress and leaving the room. I make my way downstairs and see Justin waiting in the large entrance room by the door. He hears my heels clicking against the marble flooring and looks up, his mouth dropping open.

"You-uh, l-look... Beautiful... Gorgeous, breathtaking, perfect-" I cut him off.

"Thank you but you look most handsome." I compliment him and he grins.

"Come on." He helps me into the back of a car then gets in next to me. I guess he has a driver to drive us there then. He holds my hand tightly and we make small talk during the car journey.

"Where are we?" I ask when we pull up at a restaurant.

"This is where I took you on our first date." He smiles.

"Awe, baby. You're so romantic." I coo and kiss his cheek making a blush appear on his cheeks.When we get out of the car, paparazzi are everywhere. How did they know we were going to be here? Justin helps me out of the car and holds tightly onto my hand to stop us from getting separated. We finally get to the restaurant and Justin opens the door for me, like the gentleman he is. His hand is placed on my lower back as we walk down a short hallway then to a podium.

"Reservations under Bieber." Justin says to the man and the man looks at a book then nods, getting two menus then leading us into another room filled with lots of people at different tables. We get to our table, in one of the far corners and Justin pulls my chair out for me before sitting down himself.

"Hi, I'm Jenna and I'll be your waitress today, would you like some drinks before you order?" A blonde girl stands at our table, holding a small notepad and a pen.

"I'll have a water, please." I smile. "Make that two." Jenna walks away and Justin turns to me.

"I was thinking we could go to my mom's dinner party tomorrow. She called me this morning and asked if we could go, well, no... She insisted we go."

"That sounds great." I said. Before either of us could speak, Jenna returns to the table and sets the glasses of water infront of each of us. We both thank her.

"Have you decided what you would like to eat?" She smiles and I pick up my menu as Justin orders his food. I decide on a chicken Alfredo and hand Jenna our menus.

"Tell me about our first date." "Okay..." Justin sits up,

"I was so nervous that day. When I got here, I could see you in the window from my car and I just sat there for a good 10 minutes before I finally came in. You looked so gorgeous that night. You were wearing a black dress with flowers all over it and your hair was straight and you had hardly any make up on. It was really awkward at first but that went away quickly. You ordered the Chicken Alfredo because it's one of your favourites - just like you did tonight. We talked for so long, about anything and I knew that I was going to fall in love with you because you didn't treat me like I was a celebrity, you treated me like an actual person."

"I really want to remember us." I sigh.

"And you will." He smiles just as Jenna comes over with our food. We both thank her again and continue to talk about anything - just like we did on our first date.


By the time we got home, Justin had a few drinks and was a little bit tipsy. He wasn't a mean drunk or anything, he was being all cute and giggly. He kept hugging me and kissing my face and complimenting me. When I got out of my shower, Justin wasn't on our bed where I left him. I figured he just went downstairs or went to the bathroom down the hall so I just got changed into a pair of shorts and a random t-shirt. I french braided my hair and went off to look for Justin. I checked around on the floor I was on but he wasn't here so I went downstairs. I walked around and eventually seen his reflection in a mirror. I walked closer and seen him sitting on a sofa.

"Hey." I say quietly, "You okay?"

"Mhm." He doesn't look at me.

"Are you sure?" I ask and he nods.

"No" He suddenly starts to cry and I panic as I rush to sit next to him. I pull him into me and he continues to cry.

"What's wrong?" I rub his back because I honestly don't know what else to do.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just really upset because I miss you and I just want you back the way you were before because you're different. Please come back" He cries and my eyes fill with tears. I know that all of this is because he's a bit drunk and he would never say this if he was sober. He's been hiding his feelings so well, I didn't think he was actually this upset about it. I have no idea what to do so I just hug him tightly. He eventually just cries himself to sleep in my arms so I slowly get up and lay him down so he's as comfortable as he can be and grab a blanket so he's warm. I sat down on the other sofa and turn on the tv. As I watch a random show, I feel myself dozing off. I'm woken up when I feel myself being lifted up. I don't open my eyes but I know it's Justin when he kissed the top of my head. I sigh quietly and bury my face into his chest and I feel him chuckle. Soon, I'm lay down on our bed and the sheets are pulled over me. He climbs in next to me and pulls me into his chest. He takes my hand and intertwines our fingers.

"I love you." He kisses my cheek but I fall asleep after that.



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