{6} The proposal

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Word Count; 1162

Isabella's Point of View

"Babe." I groan and cover my face so I can continue to sleep.

"Babyyy." The voice whines and I put my hand out, feeling around his face and finding his lips to put my finger over them to tell him to stop talking. He stops talking for a few seconds then I feel his lips turn up and he lets out a laugh.

"You're so fucking cute." Justin kisses my cheek a few times and I smile.

"What are we doing today?" I ask, stretching my arms above my head.

"We're gonna go to the Eiffel tower then find some other stuff to do." He makes his way towards the bathroom and closes the door, the shower turning on shortly after. I open the closet and pull out my outfit for the day, which was a pair of high waisted denim jeans, a white crop top and a bomber jacket which is satin with cotton shoulders. I decide on a pair of white converse then I start on my make-up. As I'm putting on mascara, the bathroom door opens and Justin walks out, with only a towel around his waist.


I don't even realised I've stopped putting on mascara and I'm just staring at him through the mirror.

"Take a picture, babe." I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Justin talking. I awkwardly clear my throat and continue my make up, my cheeks flushing red.

"Awww, you don't have to be embarrassed, I'm your husband, you can stare all you want." He smiles and puts on some boxers under the towel then some jeans. Once we're eventually ready, we leave the hotel and get in the car. Justin puts his arm around my shoulder and kissed the side of my head.

"You look so beautiful today." He gives me a cute smile and I just want to kiss his dimple.

"Thank you." I blush and lean further into him. I could tell he was happy that I was being more comfortable around him. Before, I wouldn't want to get too close because I obviously feel like I just met him and it feels awkward to me even though we've probably done a whole lot more than hug before this whole memory thing. I saw how anxious he was getting when I didn't make a move to hold his hand or hug him but he was hiding it pretty well.

"We're almost there." Justin says, pointing out of the window. Just as I turn to look, I see the Eiffel tower.


Me and Justin were the typical tourists. We took loads of pictures of the Eiffel tower and asked a stranger to take pictures of us in front of it. We went up to the top and looked through the binoculars and then took some more pictures.

"So..." I pull my face away from the binoculars and Justin is standing beside me with a huge megawatt smile on his face.

"I want to tell you how I proposed." I smile and nod my head quickly, making him chuckle a little.

"So, after we went to the ballroom and danced, we got in the car and I put a blindfold on you. You really didn't like the blindfold, you were scared you would trip on something but I made sure you didn't. We went up to the top of the Eiffel tower and had dinner. Then we looked at the view for a while and talked and kissed then I gave you a whole speech about why I love you and how I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you and have children and you cried. You almost collapsed when I got down on one knee. You said yes and I put the ring on your finger then we kissed and went back to the hotel and - y'know." He wiggled his eyebrows and I burst out laughing. Then we went into the gift shop and spent more than we should have on cute little gifts that we will never need.

For the rest of the day, we visited all of the attractions and took so many pictures and bought so many souvenirs at each place. I noticed Justin loved having me close to him, he would always have his hand on the small of my back or hold onto my hand. He also liked when I liked my arms with his or had my hand on his bicep. As we were walking down a cute little street near the Arc De Triomphe, I seen a few girls walking closely behind with their phones out. I'm sure I was used to people following Justin and I around before this thing with my memory but because everything seems new and I'm freaked out.

We soon arrived where the car was waiting and Justin opened my door for me then closed it once I was inside and walked around the front of the car and got in himself. When we got to the hotel, we went inside and I got in a shower. Once I was out, I opened the door, I saw Justin with his phone to his ear, pacing back and forth and running his free hand through his hair.

"You okay?" I ask and he jumps at my presence. He puts on a forced smile then hangs up his phone without even saying anything to whoever it was.

"I'm so sorry, baby. Scooter called and I have some important stuff to do back in L.A so we... Have to leave tonight.

"Oh..." I say, "I guess if it's important, we'll go..."

"I promise I'll bring you back here, baby." He says, kissing my cheek then going to the closet to start packing. I get changed into a pair of black leggings and Justin's red TMT hoodie. I put my hair up in a messy bun then pack my suitcase.

"Do you want to come to the studio with me when we get back?" Justin asks.

"Of course I would." I smile and zip up my suitcase then set it down on the floor.

"Let's go, baby." I lift the handle on my suitcase and pull it along behind me as I follow Justin to the elevator and to the lobby. Justin goes to the reception desk to check us out of the room then we're on our way home. I slept for the whole flight, I don't know if Justin slept at all. He's been having trouble sleeping lately, he said he's fine but I know he's overthinking everything. He's been worried about his music and his fans and also me. I try to help him feel better but I just don't know how. He said that me just being there helps him relax but I don't feel like I help anything.

"I love you baby. I hope you love me back someday soon." I hear before I drift back into sleep.



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