{13} Tourist

355 11 0

Word Count; 1327

Isabella's Point of View

Justin hugs me tightly when I reach the bottom of the staircase after getting ready for the day.

"You look gorgeous."

"Thank you." I kiss his cheek

"You look very handsome."

"I missed you." He kisses my hair as he puts an arm around my shoulder, "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, where are we going?" I ask as we get to the main door or the suite and exit.

"We're having an us day." He smiles, kissing the side of my head.

"Really?" I smile brightly and he nods. In the elevator, we talk a little bit, mainly me asking where we're going and him refusing to tell me.

"Please tell me." I whine, trying to give him cute puppy dog eyes. I see him try to avoid looking at me and shakes his head, "Ugh, fine."

I sigh and hold his hand as we leave the elevator, instantly spotting the paparazzi waiting outside from across the lobby of the hotel.

"I just want one damn day without paparazzi." Justin sighs.

"We're not going to let them ruin our day, babe." I cup his cheeks and peck his lips quickly then pull on his hand so we can continue walking.

As soon as one of the paparazzi spots us in the lobby and starts taking pictures, so do the others, the flashes hurting my eyes. Why do they need the flashes right now, it's day time. I feel Justin's grip on my hand tighten as he opens the door for me, the yelling of the people around us becoming almost deafening instantly, yelling questions that were obviously supposed to provoke Justin to lash out.

They ask about the bruises and why I left for a while, making up things that obviously weren't true. Justin tightens his grip on my hand again and it actually begins to ache but I ignore it because we're almost at the car.

I feel Justin's hand on the small of my back as he opens the door for me and lets me sit down in the car first. I slide across the seats so he doesn't have to push through all of the people surrounding our car already.

"Oh my god." He groans and fixes his shirt. I stay silent because I don't want to anger him further and clip in my seat belt, Justin doing the same. He presses a button which must be a speaker to the front of the car.

"Yo, Mikey can we get going now?" He asks and takes his finger off the button.

"We haven't eaten yet, have we?" He turns to me and I shake my head, laughing at the fact he can't remember if he's ate anything yet.

He presses the button again and asks to stop at McDonalds.

"Won't there be food wherever we're going?" I ask, not wanting for the driver to take extra time to detour to McDonalds.

"There might be but it takes a while to get there so we should eat before we get there." He says and I nod. I can't even think about where we could be going.

After going to McDonald's and eating, we're back in the car, watching a movie on the TV thats on the divider between us and the front of the car. I personally thought the TV was the most pointless thing to spend money on but during moments like this when it's a long journey, it's very useful. I think I end up falling asleep because the next thing I know, Justin is shaking my shoulder softly. I make a noise to tell him I'm awake and sit up and that's when I notice I was laying across the seats. Justin must have moved me. He takes my hand and helps me out of the car as I sleepily mumble about nonsense.

"Where are we?" I ask and look around, not immediately recognising where I am but there's a lot of people walking around.

We begin to walk and that's when I finally see where we are

The Christ The Redeemer statue.

"Oh my god, I've always wanted to come here and see this." I smile and hug Justin tightly from the side.

"We've actually been here before." Justin explains, "And you said that the first time too."

"You are so amazing. Thank you for bringing me here." I kiss his cheek as we reach the steps.

"You're welcome. Now c'mon, we have to take a picture." He pulls me up the steps and tells me to stand infront of the statue. I do as he says and he finds a man who was with his wife and kids to take a picture of us.

"Get on my shoulders." Justin crouches down and I shake my head, "Come on, you'll be fine."

He chuckles and I do as he says, squealing as I'm lifted off the ground as I'm sitting on his shoulders. We get the picture taken and I shakily get off of Justin and he goes and gets his phone, thanking the man then coming back.

We look at the picture and I smile at how cute Justin looks in it.

We hang out for a bit, taking lots of pictures then we go back to the car.

"Are we going back to the hotel?" I ask, buckling my seat belt in then telling Justin to do the same because he hadn't done it yet.

"No, we're doing other things." He smiles.

"Will you tell me what we're doing?" I pout and he shakes his head.

On the ride to wherever we're going, Justin spams instagram with lots of pictures of us then one of our hands which were intertwined. Then I fall asleep again...

The next time I wake up, I'm woken by screams. I groan and sit up, realising I'm in the car by myself and we've stopped moving.

Where's Justin? I look out of the window and see that we're at the hotel and there's fans outside, screaming. I search for my phone so I can call Justin and ask where he is. Once I've unlocked my phone and opened the Phone app, the door opens, the screams intensifying then quickly going quieter again because the door closes.

"Sorry, baby. I didn't think you'd wake up. I spilled my smoothie all over my shirt and pants so I had to change." Justin explains.

"It's okay." I smile.

"You're sleeping a lot, are you okay? Do we have to go into the hotel because that's fine if you're too tired to go to-"

"Justin, I'm fine. It must be jet lag or something." I say and he calms down and nods. I don't want him to worry so I keep the fact that I'm feeling dizzy and have a headache to myself.

"Thank you so much for forgiving me." Justin licks his lips.

"Justin, it's really okay. I don't blame you for reacting that way." I put my hands on his cheeks and kiss his lips for a few seconds.

For the rest of the day, we visit lots of attractions in Brazil but sadly Justin has to go to his concert so we go back to the hotel to get ready.

I stand backstage and watch my amazing husband do what he loves which is perform with a smile on my face. Suddenly, a headache comes at me full force and I groan, putting a hand to my forehead.

The only thing I remember before my vision went black is everything spinning then turning into a blur then nothing.


Okay so the author that wrote this story wrote till here basically. So I'm gonna be writing form the next chapter. (Let me tell u my writing is so bad ushejdk)


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