{5} love

419 14 0

Word Count; 923

Isabella's Point of View

"Flight to Paris, France landing in 5 minutes." An unfamiliar voice pulls me from my amazing sleep and I groan. Where am I? Has that thing happened again when I wake up in a celebrities bed after I fall asleep and end up being married to them? I open my eyes and look around, finding myself on a plane. I look around and see no one else around. What's happening?

"You okay?" I turn my head to look up and see Justin smiling down at me.

"Where are we?" I mumble.

"On a plane. We're going to Paris." I sit up and look out the window to see the city of Paris below me.

"How did we even get onto the plane?" I turn to look at Justin.

"I carried you when you were sleeping." He shrugs and my eyes widen.

"And I slept that whole time?" I gasp, "Do I have clothes packed?"

"Yeah, I packed for you the other night." He smiles. Oh my god, he's so romantic, bringing me to the city of love.

"Thank you!" I leap towards him and wrap my arms around the back of his neck and hugging him tightly.

"You're welcome." I laughs and hugs me back just as tightly.


"Justin, it's beautiful." I smile again as I look around the huge hotel room. Justin doesn't seem bothered by how amazing the room is because he's probably stayed in much bigger and much more expensive places. There's a huge entry way and a hallway. The living room had huge sofas and has a dining room attached to it which leads to the kitchen. I love this hotel so much.

"Come on, we have to get dressed." Justin cuts off my looking around when he puts our bags -that he insisted on carrying- on the bed and unzipping his. I do the same and look through my neatly packed suitcase. He's picked some nice clothes.

"Wait, where are we going?" I ask, "Is it casual or formal?"

"Formal." He says and pulls out a white buttoned shirt. I continue to look through my clothes and finally find a good outfit.

"I'll be right back." I say and carry my clothes into the bathroom, "I have to shower."

After I've showered and dried my hair and done my make up, I start getting dressed.

"Ooh, girl." I hear and look at Justin through the mirror, smiling, "You're looking good." He wraps his arm around my stomach and hugging me lightly.

"You look so handsome." I smile.

"Thank you." He kisses the back of my head, "Let's get going."


"Justin!" I grin when we walk into the huge ballroom, "What is this?"

"This is where I took you before I proposed to you." He smiles and looks around at all of the people, "I didn't know there was going to be people there but let's join in anyway." He laughs and pulls me further into the room.

"What if they kick us out?" I ask.

"Then they can kick us out." He chuckles. I see people looking at us funny as we laughed and ate the food like animals. They were all dressed up in full on gowns and had masks on. We totally stick out. Everyone is wearing masks and we just showed up out of the blue.

"Let's go dance." He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the centre of the room, right under the crystal chandelier. He put his hand on the small of my back and I put my left hand on his shoulder. He puts his hand in mine and smiles at me, pulling me closer to him. We dance for a few seconds before Justin lifts our hands so I could spin around then he pulls me close to him again.

"Tell me about what happened." I smile.

"It was right here." He looked up at the chandelier, "I left before you woke up and left you a note, telling you that I had a special date planned and I would see you later. When you got here, I was in here waiting. There was no one here, only me. You came in and, God, you looked gorgeous. You were so confused as to why we were here. I didn't tell you why we were here, I just said I wanted to be romantic. We danced and talked. We were supposed to leave after a half hour but you just talked and talked so it got put off for a little bit." He laughs and shakes his head.

"You're so romantic." I smile.

"I try." He shrugs and smiles again. I catch him staring at my lips every so often and I put my hands on both his cheeks. I lean higher and pull his face towards mine. Just as we were about to kiss, we're stopped by a loud voice beside us.

"Okay, lovebirds, time to go." I sigh and turn to look at the security guard that looks beyond angry. I don't like you. I say in my head. Once we left, we go to McDonald's because I love McDonald's. We bring it back to the hotel and change. I put on one of Justin's shirts with no pants, just my cute baby pink lace panties. Justin just puts on a pair of sweat pants and (surprise, surprise) no shirt. We sit on the bed together and watch movies and eat junk food. I'm so happy I'm married to this man.



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