{14} I remember

377 11 1

Word count: 671

Isabella's Point of view

The next time I woke up.. I was in a bed... a hospital bed to be exact. I squinted my eyes to let them adjust to the lighting then looked around the room to see Justin sleeping on one of the uncomfortable hospital chairs. Just then like magic he starts to wake up.

My head starts hurting a little again so I lay back down. Then something strikes me in my mind like a ton of bricks. I gasp at which Justin wakes up.

I look at him happily

"I remember.." I whisper and it takes him a moment to realise what I'm talking about. He gasps leaping up out of the chair and running over to me. He pulls me into a hug and I giggle.

"Oh my god Bella..!" He cries into my shoulder. We hug for a few minutes until I hear him sniffle. I pull back looking at his tear stained face.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I ask him

"It's just- you finally remember me.. you remember us... and ... I just love you so much!" He sniffled then pulls me back to him.

"I love you too Jay" I giggle. I cup his cheek before kissing him.


"Justin.. I didn't get sit in the leg I just had a headache and then had a minor fall.. ON MY HEAD" I said as Justin carried me inside the house. We were back from the hospital now.

"I don't care" he huffs playfully making me roll my eyes. He sets me down on the sofa sitting down next me hiding me close to him. He snuggles his nose in my neck and closes his eyes. A few minutes later I nudge him giggling.

"Uh jay... what're you doing babe?" I giggle

"Sleeping." He whispers

"Okay but let me go please" I laugh

"No. I want you close to me. That was a hard almost month for me. So shush and let me cuddle you" he whispered before falling back asleep making me laugh

"But I'm hungryyy!! Let me just get something to eat and then you can cuddle me to your hearts content" I suggested and he let me free. I jumped off the couch, got some snacks form the pantry and went upstairs to our room.

"JAY.. OUR ROOM" I yelled giggling when he groaned. I went into our room sitting down on the bed with my snacks.

"JAY HURRY!" I yelled.

"I'm coming woman!" I heard him say from the stairs and I giggled again. By the time he was inside the room and cuddled up next to me I'd finished my snack. I threw the wrapper in the bin in our room before cuddling up to Justin again who wasn't really asleep but had his eyes closed.

"Hey justin?" I asked him lightly

"Hm?" He said logins one brow up not opening his eyes yet.

"Can you sing me something?" I asked him

"What do you want me to sing?" He murmured

"I don't know just sing.." I whispered tracing his arm lightly.

"No limit in the sky that I won't fly for ya. No amount of tears in my eyes that I won't cry for ya oh no. With every breath that I take I want you to share that air with me. There's no promise that I won't keep, I'll climb a mountain, there's none too steep... When it comes to you..There's no crime. Let's take both of our souls..And intertwine. When it comes to you..Don't be blind. Watch me speak from my heart..When it comes to you..Comes to youuu" he starts singing 2U and is smile finally feeling sleepy and at peace .. safe in my husbands lovely arms.

"I love you Jay" I whisper before falling asleep

"I love you too" is the last thing I hear before he places a small kiss on my cheek and we both fall into a peaceful sleep.


Done down done done!!!
This story is finished :))))
Jk jk


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