Chapter 1: And so he woke up

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Note: This fic had no updates over the years and I don't know WHEN or IF I will still update it so read on your own risk since this is an incomplete fic. The reason I did not remove it is because its my first wangxian/mdzs fic so.. But yeah don't expect any updates.


"Wei Ying, im here.. look at me"

"Get lost"

"Wei Ying, come back with me.. to Cloud Recesses"

"Get lost"

".. Wei Ying, My heart beats for you, come back with me, i will keep you safe"

".. Get. Lost"






"Brother, What happened?"

"Wei WuXian... Young Master Wei is dead"





Eyes snapping open Lan Wangji took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling in rapid pace. his forehead dripping with sweat and he clutched at the mattress so tight his knuckles turned white. his bloodshot eyes finally focused on his surroundings and he took a glance at the window of his room, the sun is still not up seems like he woke up too early. taking another deep breath he slowly sat up and massages his forehead, the smell of sweet lotus made him raise a brow the unfamiliar scent bothered him for a bit, he always had his room bathe in sandalwool yet it smelled different today. Shaking his head he didn't dwell too much about it, Lan Wangji stood up and decided to prepare his things and meditate for a while before heading out.

After fixing his bed he went to get a new set of fresh clothes but he raised an elegant brow upon seeing a disciple clothes, turning around he observed his surroundings once again nothing seemed to be amiss yet it somehow feels different. glancing at the clothes he picked it up and headed for a bath.

After his meditation, Lan Wangji picked up Bichen and headed out of Jingshi. his light colored orbs observing the place, ever since he woke up he was feeling a bit uncomfortable, that something is wrong yet he could not identify it, his room, his clothes and the atmosphere is really out of place it greatly bothered him, While walking around he saw some disciples greeting him which he replied by nodding his head. It wasnt long before the silence in Cloud Recesses was disturbed by a loud laughter, a laugh that sounded so pleasant in Lan Wangji's ears and upon hearing that he immediately turned around to find its source, as soon as his eyes landed on that person his eyes widened and his breath was stuck on his throat.

Ah, this is right..

Wei WuXian was laughing his heart out, holding on his stomach, he looked so delighted and the sunlight created a radiant atmosphere on his young and beautiful face. Jiang Cheng was steadying him on his feet, brows knitted together as he scolded Wei WuXian meanwhile Nie Huasiang is laughing behind his fan also calming Wei WuXian by patting his back.

Lan Wangji stared at him and a small faint smile graced his feature as he finally realized something.

Wei Ying.. is here .. this is right

Wei WuXian wiped the corner of his eyes and straightened his back he finally saw Lan Wangji looking at their direction with his white robes fluttering due to the wind he looked elegant as always, but there was something different on his stare today that Wei WuXian found a bit strange. smiling he took a step forward and waved at the other calling out for him.

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