Chapter 2

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"Yay, I can't wait to start over." I sarcastically say to my sister.

"Totally! Meeting a whole new group of cute boys."

She couldn't tell I was sarcastic, and judging by the dreamy look in her eyes she is thinking about boys. I link my arms with Doreen and walk up to the brown and gray school. As soon as I enter in Doreen runs off to talk to a cute guy, and judging by the way he is looking at her I think Doreen just got a boyfriend. Pushing up my glasses, I walk all the way to the back of the school and enter my class 3 minutes late. "And that is how to multi__."

At least now I can cross of rudely disturbing a teacher off my bucket list, lucky me. Covering my face with my hair, I walk to an empty seat in the

back off the class. And silently thanking God for giving me an open chair in the back. "Oh children it looks like we have a new student. And what is your name?" Great, the thing I was hoping the most not to happen, happened.

"My name is Mary-Alice." I say finally looking up from the desk in front of me. Wow... there are about 25 students in this class, yup my life just keeps getting better. "Well Mary-Alice would you like to come to the front of the class and tell us a little bit about you?" No, I would not. "Ok." I walk up to the front of the huge class and part my hair away from my face. "Hi, my name is Mary-Alice and I am from Africa. My favorite color is blue and I love to read and draw." Please can school end already?

Oki guys sorry the story isn't that good from the beginning but it will get better and longer C: please tell me if you have any suggestions and please remember I am only 12. I am not the best writer and also this story is 20 percent non fiction.

-Love, Blue.

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