Chapter 9

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--That Night--

Mary-Alice POV

Ash had decided to stay at my house, because her's was about a 20 minute walk away from mine. As soon as we

entered the house, we went straight to my room to decide what Friday would be like.

Luckily we had gotten both Jack and Boyys phone number, so we could ask them more about Twilight. And after

we got more information on who was probably going to kill us tomorrow, we went straight to bed.

----Ash POV----

It was a dark and cold night, the moon was huge, full and the sky was dark. I

was walking through the woods

calling out for help, and looking for Mary-Alice. When all of a sudden...I

hear a deep and low growl.

Freezing in place I stare at a pare of grey eyes, realizing it wasn't a human.

It was a...wolf.


I jump up from Mary-Alice's camping sleeping bag and scream.

"Ash! Are you ok, what happened?"

Slowly steadying my breathing I say.

"Don't worry Alice, it was just a bad dream."

Calming myself down, I crawl back into the camper sleeping bag and close my eyes.

"G'Nite Ash."



Mary-Alice POV

"Honey don't forget you have school today, and wake up your friend!"

If I got to choose between going to school or staying home, I would have choose staying home without a seconds

thought. But I new this day was coming, and it was to late to back out now. So I got out of my comfortable blue bed, and woke up Ash.

"Ash, we need to get ready for school."

While growling, Ash woke up and went to the bathroom.

"Oh and I'll be using my moms, your stuff are on the bed."

"Ok!" Ash yelled

Today we really didn't feel like entering the bus and getting stared at, so my mom drove us to school in her blue sports car.

-- Ash POV --

As soon as we get on to school grounds,

everyone even the teachers stop what they are doing and stare at us.

If I wasn't so scared today, I would have bunched them all where the sun doesn't shine.

"Are you scared?" I whisper to Mary-Alice.


Slowly we enter the school, and suddenly Boyy and Jake start running to us.

"Wow there, what's wrong?"

"She isn't here today! People said she broke her nail and she didn't want people to see, so she stayed at home."

As soon as those words come out of Boyy's mouth, Mary-Alice and I start laughing so hard we start to cry.

I guess you could say tears of joy.

So for the rest of the day we go to our normal classes, and nothing is different...until lunch.

At lunch we seat at our normal chairs and talk to our selfs about all the usual shit people were doing today.

Then 5 minutes before the signal that lunch ends rings, i feel something hot and slimy run down my head. And I hear a gasp come from Mary-Alice, the whole lunch room goes quiet.

I think I will finish the rest tomorrow. Sorry this one is so short, and before she was in 4th grade, and I didn't think it fit with the story so now she is in 7th grade.

-Love, Blue

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