Chapter 4

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I have already said this a thousand times but, just can't help saying it again. I Fucking Hate Mondays.

Today started out like any Monday. I forgot to eat breakfast so I was super hungry and I couldn't wait for lunch. And finally when lunch came, I went to line to buy food and couldn't find any of my fucking money. Growling I searched furiously through my bag, then I felt a light tap on my shoulder and someone said. " You don't look so happy."

And I swear if I wasn't so busy looking for my money I would have turned around and slapped that bitch right across the face. But food comes first with me, so without bother turning around I growled and said

"What do you want, because as far as I am concerned if you are not here to give me some money you should stay quiet." I would have worded things a whole lot more meaner if my attention wasn't so focused on finding my fucking money and eating before I faint. Then the girl said the most fucking beautiful sentence in the world. "Actually, I am here to give you some money. If you want it."

And as soon as she said those words I turned around to grab the money and get a good look of my new best friend in this shitty school. Grinning as wide as I had ever grinned I said.

"I think we will be great friends." Taking the money from her.

"Yes, yes we will. My name is Mary-Alice. What is yours best friend?"

"I am the lovely and beautiful Ashlylon but you can call me Ash, it sounds cooler"

After getting my food I went back to her table and grabbed a random chair, not caring who or where it was from and say myself down. During the rest of lunch we talked about ourselves and I guess we are those best friends that go with that thing that people say.

Opposites attract. She was kind, nice, quiet, and shy. While I was loud, mean, and Mrs.Crime.

I can't believe I became friends with someone the complete opposite of me. But I can't forget with getting friends, there is always drama even though it is not between them.

There is a little bit of Ash and more to continue. Comment suggestions, thoughts, or if you just like to comment. Please also like.


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