Chapter 11

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As we all enter the office, I take a long look at the surroundings. The walls are plastered with pictures of the famous boy band 1 Direction.

The principle then coughs to get our attention, and starts talking. "What were you all thinking?"

Silently I stare at the ground like it is the most interesting thing on the planet, I can't believe I was brave enough to hit Matty back in the face.

"I am sorry mam, but I could not let Matty hit my friend."

"That does not give you any reason at all to hit him back. From what the other students are saying Mr.Matty did you start the fight?"

While slowly smiling, Matty looks up and nods his head with pleasure. "That is it! This school has had enough of the problems you have caused and this time you will not leave without a punishment."

"Matty you are now on cafeteria cleaning duty for one month, and if you cause any trouble during that one month."

"I will not hesitate to expel you from this school."

Wow...I would hate to be on cafeteria duty, and the threat of getting expelled.

"Now girls, you might not think you did anything wrong but I saw the throw up from last week."

"Do you have anything to say to Mr.Matty about that?"

Finally Ash speaks. "I am sorry for throwing up on you Matty."

"Me too." I whisper.

"Better, now this should be the last time I have to meet anyone of you again in this office understood?"

Together in a chores we all answer "Understood."

We all walk out back into the cafeteria, suddenly Matty stands up and apologizes to both of us.

"Are you ok?" I whisper to Ash. "Yeah, I am just thinking of a way to get this stains of my new white shirt."

Laughing together, we walk out the cafeteria doors hand in hand.


And that lady's and gentlemen, is why I am stuck in my room now.

Thinking about all the memories I had in 7th grade, and even though it isn't the end. It kinda feels like school is going by to fast for my liking.

But I know there is going to be a lot more trouble we cause in the future, but for now I am tired.


Oki, I don't know if I should end the book yet so please comment if I should.

-Love, Blue

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