Dear Dairy

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Dear Dairy,
I know I know months have passed since I last talked to you. Things have changed too, right now I am dating Boyy and Ash is dating Matt. I met a new friend called Daniel and it is going well so far. I am so glad I have such great friends, I would never trade them for anything. I wish this year wouldn't go by so fast, I need time to enjoy it! Oh well at least I'll enjoy it while it lasts. And yes I do promise I will be writing in you way more. Every little pinch of drama, break ups, crazy dances, all that good stuff. Tell then...
Love you Lots,
Mary Alice
Okay guys yes yes this is probably the shortest chapter in the history of Wattpad, I am so sorry. But I will be writing a new book called "Dear, Dairy" where I write about the REAL things that happen to me. I'll start it now.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 12, 2014 ⏰

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