Chapter 6

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------ Mary-Alice POV -----

I might look calm, cool, and collected on the outside but I am freaking out on the inside. I don't know how to help or what to do because this has never happened to my family or myself. But Ash is my friend, so I am going to try my best and help her at least to the office.

As we are leaving out the door I hear the bell ring and see a lot of students go to their lockers. I guess I was

so caught up in day dreaming I forgot I

still have classes to go to. As we are walking down the hallway to the office, i see 2 boys pointing, whispering, and laugh at me. And my instinct is to hide, so I try to appear as small as possible and hide beside Ash.

While I am deep in my thoughts, I hear Ash whisper to me about purposely throwing up on them. In a flash I turn to look at the boys and see both of the covered in throw-up. And Ash wiping her mouth and grinning at both the boys.

....Suddenly, I freeze in fear....

------Ash POV----

I don't really know what came over me, but as soon as I saw those ass holes pointing and laughing at Mary-Alice. I just felt a need to throw up on them, so I did.

No one can really blame me. I mean if your best friend was getting made fun of by a bunch of douche bags, wouldn't you want to throw up on them?

Anyways, after that I felt like I had a lot more strength back. So I turned to Mary-Alice to tell her I feel better. That's when I noticed she looked really pale, her hands were cold, and she looked frozen. So doing the only thing that came to mind, I dragged her all the way to the office. I guess we were both going to miss school.

I felt quiet brave and fearless until Mary-Alice unfroze and whispered to me. "Those 2 guys where Matty and Jake...the most popular guys in school."

And suddenly.... I froze.

------Matty POV-----

One word. Revenge.

Today started out normal. I went over to my hot girlfriend, Twilights house to pick her up for school. The normal routine. Then after lunch I was

pointing and laughing at some ugly girl with my friend Jake. Next thing I know, a green looking girl is in front of my face and throw up is all over me and Jake.

At that time I would choose to scream at the fucking psycho girl but, then I girl Twilight would love to scream at this bitch for me instead. So I stood there looking at my clothes figuring out what to do about them and thinking...

I love revenge.

-----Jake POV----

What would you do if one second your day was great, and the next it turned into a fucking nightmare.

After lunch me and Matty were at his locker, laughing at this shitty looking girl, then next thing I know her ugly friend throws up on me.

I am just standing here starting at her with my mouth open hoping Matty has a sweet plan. I am not about to let some ugly looking girl ruin my school reputation.

Watch it, girly. And your friend too.

Things just got series.

Hi, so what did you think of this one? It still isn't all the guys though C; more to come.

-Love, Blue

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