Chapter 1

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Jane grinned at Maura. Maura knew what the look in Jane's eyes meant, she'd seen it directed at her enough times to fully comprehend lust, she was just not accustomed to seeing that look in her best friends eyes.

"I can't take it anymore," Jane said in a much huskier tone than normal. "Maur, we've been dodging it for months and I can't take it anymore" she backed the blonde into her desk, "if you don't want this then you better tell me now because when I start I don't plan on stopping."

"Jane," the blonde managed to rasp out just before their lips crashed together. To Maura it felt like te room was spinning. She was light headed and felt that if it weren't for Jane pressing her up against her desk she would simply fall down due to te weakness in her knees. Jane pulled away to give them both a moment to catch their breath.

Maura tried in that moment to figure out what steps were taken to et then into the position they were currently in but no matter how hard she thought she couldn't recall any event before that moment. "Jane... Why now?"

"I told you I couldn't take it anymore. I almost lost you again today Maur." Jane wrapped her arms around Maura's waist. "I can't lose you and never have had you. Never had old you how I really feel."

"How do you feel?" Maura asked almost worried to look Jane in the face.


The sunlight is what woke Maura, it filtered in from her open curtains and ripped from her dream. As she adjusted to the world around she realized she could still feel an embarrassing reminder of her encounter with Jane within the realms if her dream. She let out a very unladylike groan as she began limping towards the shower to clean herself up and prepare for the day ahead. Despite being on leave die to her injuries she knew that she couldn't just sit around and do nothing all day.

An hour later Maura was dressed in a pair of yoga pants and a turquoise sweater with her hair pulled back into a pony tail. She may have to take it easy but that didn't mean she couldn't at least do some gardening. She had a smear of dirt on her cheek and had been happily pullin weeds and planting new plants that she'd meant for a gardener to put in that day but she called and informed the company that she would be doing it on her own since she had some free time on her hands. She'd probably been working for hours before she was interrupted.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" Jane asked easily as she kneeled down next to Maura and handed her the next plant in the lineup.

"This is restful Jane," Maura said in a matter of fact kind of way trying to ignore her increased heart rate at Jane's proximity.

"If you say so." Jane laughed.

"Aren't you supposed to be working?"

"Lunch break so I thought you might want some company or something. I figured I'd come make you lunch if Ma hadn't already beat me to it." Jane grinned.

"Oh. That sounds lovely," Maura smiled pleased with her friends thoughtfulness.

"I thought so. So what do you think; grilled cheese or peanut butter and fluff?"

"Grilled cheese sounds wonderf Jane, thank you."

"I'm on it. Did you want to come in with me while I make it or do you want me to bring it out here and we can have a picnic in your back yard."

Maura laughed. "A picnic in the back yard sounds great."

"Awesome." Jane smiled standing to leave, "oh and Maur,"


"I'm really glad we're friends again."

"Me too" Maura nodded as Jane walked into her kitchen.

I could het used to this. Jane in the kitchen while I'm out here in the garden, or stopping by on her lunch break when I'm not also working. It would be so easy with her if only she were more open to the idea. Maura blushed as she realized exactly what she was thinking. "It's never going to happen." Even if that is what I want. Sometimes you can't be with the person you love. I said it about Ian and it applies here too. Maura sighed getting lost in her thoughts causing the time to pass rather quickly.

Jane noticed Maura's lack of focus and took the opportunity to set out a blanket and grab a bottle of wine. "Maura, lunch is ready." She smiled brightly as she tapped the dazed blonde in the shoulder.


"You've been kind of zoned out for a few minutes at least. I set out our picnic over here. Come sit and eat with me. Take a break from gardening."

"Okay." Maura stood slowly and walked over to where Jane had put the blanket and wine and she say and waited. Jane carried over the plates and sat close to Maura despite all the room on the blanket.

"What are your thinking about in that big brain of yours?"

"I'm really glad we're friends again. And I'm glad you're here, and so many more things that I'm not sure how to talk about."

"Well when you figure out how to talk about it I'm right here."

That's the problem. I'm falling in love with you because you've always been right there beside me. And I don't know how to just stay friends with you after everything we've been through. I don't want to die and never have told you how I felt but I don't want you to run.

"You know it'll get cold if you don't eat it soon."

"Oh. Yeah. Right." Maura took a bite of the sandwich.

They ate in a comfortable silence. Jane watched Maura though. She was worried about her smaller blonde friend. Maura seemed off. Normally she would be spouting facts about the plants she'd been planting or she'd be talking about the cheese in her sandwich or the wine Jane had chosen. When they were finished eating Jane really wanted to linger but she knew she couldn't.

"I have to get back to work." Jane smiled. "Paperwork and all that," she leaned into Maura briefly as if to kiss the shorter woman but rocked back I her heels before Maura had time to react to the possibility. "See ya Maur."

"Bye Jane."

[A/N] Thank you for reading! I'll update as much as I can.




Do what you want!!

Ps; I dedicate this chapter to @JanaDeRuyck.. Read her story! It's about Joey Graceffa! It's really awesome!!

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