Chapter 12

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[A/N] I'm sorry for the wait!! Hope you like it!!
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Love you all!! :*

"I can't believe you didn't tell me" Angela practically yelled at the two girls who were sitting on the couch looking like a couple of embarrassed teenagers. "Janie you told me you and Maura weren't a couple."

"Ma we weren't a couple then." Jane said trying to keep the blush off of her face.

"Vince said he suspected you were seeing someone." Angela began ranting again about they should've told her, she's like a one note tune right now. Jane grinned at her own thoughts until her mother glared at her. "And just what is so funny young lady?"

"Nothing Ma," Jane said trying not to smile.

Angela sighed but then smiled and pulled both women into a hug. "I'm so glad to see the two of you so happy. It's about time you got you heads out of your asses and admitted that you're in love with each other."

Both Jane and Maura stiffened at the l word. It didn't go unnoticed by Angela, "Oh for the love, you two are hopeless sometimes." she threw up her hands and began to walk away. "I'm going to my bed; we will talk about this in the morning Janie. You too Maura."

"Night Ma." Jane called with a smirk.

"Goodnight Angela,"

"Well the cat's out of the bag now. I suppose everyone will know come Monday. Ma will tell Frankie and Korsak and Korsak will tell the world." Jane tried to sound irritated but she couldn't manage it. "Do you care if people know?"

"Not at all. I like the idea of people knowing you're mine." Maura thought about it. "I'm already sort of an outcast so really I don't have anything to lose."

"I think it would be pretty damn foolish of me to not be proud to have you as my girl." Jane laughed. "And anyway now I'll just be a bitchy dyke behind my back instead of just a bitch."

"I hate to tell you this but I think people may have been calling you that already."

"Well then nothing changes I guess." Jane shrugged. "I should tell Ma that I want to at least tell Tommy and Frankie myself. I would like to tell Korsak myself too."

"I think she'd agree to let you do that."

Jane sighed. She knew that even though were talking about something important it was to keep from talking about something just as important. I love her. But what if she doesn't love me. I don't know if I could handle her not saying it back."We should probably go to bed... and I know just a few minutes ago bed meant a lot more than just sleep but... well I was wondering if it's okay for us to just sleep?"

"Of course we can just sleep Jane, we've done that before." Maura laughed. "You're the insatiable one remember?"

"I do recall you saying that last night." Jane smiled. "Well how about you take the main bathroom and I'll take the guest bathroom and we'll meet in bed after we're both done getting ready for bed."

"Sounds like a very good plan."

Jane had unsurprisingly finished her nightly routine first. I should tell her. Ma is right, I do kind of need to get my head out of my ass. It's not like she has to say it back. I mean I'm pretty sure she would because there is no way she doesn't love me too. And she's said it before.. though we weren't dating so she could've meant it in a platonic way. Why am I worried about this of course she would say it back. There is no way that I'm just another fling to her. And if I'm not another fling then she must love me.

"Sorry I took so long" Maura said softly as she came out of the bathroom and saw Jane already in bed.

"It's fine. I know you take longer than I do." Jane pulled the covers up so that Maura could scoot in with her.

"Goodnight Jane" Maura kissed Jane gently.

"Goodnight Maura." I love you, she added in her mind as she pulled the blonde closer to her. Maura fell asleep quickly. Jane felt her breathing become slow and even. She buried her face in Maura's long curly hair. "I swear. I'll say it soon." She mumbled softly closing her own eyes and counting until she fell asleep.

Jane woke up first the next morning. At first she was just going to lay there until Maura woke up but her bladder insisted it was time for her to wake up. She wasn't gone long but she was gone long enough that Maura notiaced the temperature change and woke up with a frown.

"Jane?" she called out sleepily.

"I'm here." Jane smiled as she walked out of the bathroom. "Sorry, nature called." She ran her fingers through her bed head.

"Oh. Okay" Maura bit her lip and blushed.

"I think I might've heard my ma come in." Jane paused the smell of food confirmed her suspicions. "She's cooking. I'll go talk to her while you get ready." Jane bent over to an adorably sleeping looking Maura and kissed her. Maura nodded.

Jane leaned against the counter, "Morning Ma,"

"Good morning. Where's Maura?"

"Oh you know getting ready for the day ahead. She doesn't really like people to see her in her silky pjs." Jane smirked.

"Good, we'll talk one on one. Janie you need to tell that girl you love her." She said quite seriously.

"I know Ma. I'm just... scared. And I want the moment to be right ya know. But what if she doesn't love me back?"

"You're joking right?" Angela said staring at Jane as if she'd grown an extra head. "A blind man could see how you two love each other."

"Yeah well... maybe I should go ask a blind man." Jane grumbled. "Seriously Ma let me tell her when I'm ready."

"Alright honey. But don't take too long." Angela pulled Jane into a hug. "You know I still expect grandbabies right."

"Come on Ma I haven't told Tommy or Frankie yet. Speaking of... I want to tell them myself. Maybe tonight at Sunday dinner." Jane frowned. "Oh and I have to be the one to tell Korsak too."

"Of course you'll tell people yourself. It's not my decision to make just like it's not anyone's business but I think most people won't be surprised anyway."

Jane laughed. "Maybe you're right."

"Good morning Angela," Maura said with a bright smile.

"I made you and Janie pancakes."

Maura grinned and Jane rolled her eyes even though she loved the bunny pancakes. "I think Ma wants to talk to you in private." Jane said with a half smile.

"Oh?" Maura looked at Angela for confirmation. Angela nodded.

"Maybe we could do lunch together today?"

"I would like that." Maura confirmed.

"Great, well I need to be going now I'll come by when I'm ready to go." Angela said after cleaning up. She walked out the back door with a smile.

"I shouldn't be nervous about this. I love you mother, and she seems happy about us. Why am I nervous?"

"Because Ma has that effect on people. Don't be nervous she just wants to talk, probably tell you she still expects a wedding and grandbabies. I gotta go too though I'm sure Jo has messed something up in my apartment by now. I asked Tommy to swing by and check on her but I don't know that he did."

"I'll see you tonight?" Maura asked after a chaste kiss from the taller woman.

"Of course. It's family dinner night. That's here and besides you're family."

"Okay." Maura smiled and watched as Jane left.

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