Chapter 10

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[A/N] I really hope y'all like this chapter, I've worked hard on it.
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Love you all! :*

They drove separate even though Frost already knew they had been together. Jane sighed and stared at the dark mark on her neck. I can't believe she left a mark. How the hell am I supposed to explain that? Sure Frost sort of knows what's going on but what the heck am I gonna say to Korsak? She ran her fingers over the mark and smiled despite it. It's just proof that this is real.

Maura followed her as they made their way upstairs. "You know you could've stayed home and slept a little longer." Jane pointed out. "We don't actually have the guy just a lead on where he might be."

"Well maybe I can help somehow." Maura smiled wide.

Jane shook her head with a smile.

Korsak was waiting for them when they stepped off the elevator. "Frankie and Frost went to get him. They should be back shortly. I tried to tell Frost to wait for you but he seemed to think it would take more time than we had for you to get here." Korsak eyed Jane and Maura. "We didn't call for you Doc."

Shit. "I asked her to come." Jane said with a shrug. "How'd we find him?"

"Got a hit on a credit card."

"I told you he'd slip up soon enough." Maura pointed out.

Jane smiled. If I kissed her it would be the end of our cover. Though I don't think we're hiding things very well.

"Had a good night Rizzoli?" Korsak grinned noticing the hickey.

"None of your business Korsak." Jane grumbled.

Maura frowned. Jane wanted to tell her that it was fine and that she didn't mind being marked by her. Hiding this is harder than I thought it would be.

"Well geez you don't gotta snap at me about it. Maybe it wasn't so good" Korsak laughed.

"I'm snapping because my sex life isn't any of your business." God I can't even look at her without giving myself away. I hope she's okay. I just want to hold her and tell her exactly how good a night it was. I feel like an ass. "Can we just get some work done or something?"

"Not much we can do until Frost gets back."

"Well lucky for you we're back. He's in the first interrogation room waiting for you." Frost smiled.

"Goody. Let's do this."

Frost lingered back with Maura while Korsak and Jane made their way in. "She's serious about you Doc. She's my partner that means I have to keep her safe and I have to have her back. You serious about her too?"

Maura turned a deep shade of red. "Yeah. I am. You're a good partner, Jane is lucky to have you."

"I'm lucky to have her. She's the best." He lead them into the adjoining room to watch.

Marcus Mallor cracked in less than an hour confessing to everything. Jane was more than glad it was over. Maybe now I can get a real date with Maura. I have the weekend off and I'm not on call. Maybe Saturday we can go do something.

"You were amazing in there." Maura smiled shyly at Jane.

Jane blushed. "You think so?"

"I always do." Maura grinned. "So how are we going to celebrate?"

"Well the guys are naturally going to go out to the Robber tonight." Jane looked around and then leaned in to whisper in Maura's ear. "We COULD celebrate privately though if you know what I mean." Jane took a step away from the blonde.

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