Chapter 17

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[A/N] good news!!! I convinced my dad, so I can start writing again!!! By convinced I mean doing it behind his back ofcourse
I really hope you love it
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"We've had her for almost an entire week and no one has claimed to know her." Jane slammed her hands against the metal table. We have absolutely nothing to go on except that she dresses nice."

"Someone will claim her." Maura said softly trying to pacify the detective's rage.

Jane ran a hand through her messy hair with a frustrated groan. "This case is going coldd fast."

Just as Maura was about to say something more Frost walked in. "We've got someone claiming to know her."

Jane looked at him with a shocked expression. "Well send them down to Id her then."

Frost nodded. Maura busied herself getting the girl ready to be seen from outside the autopsy room.

A red head woman came down with frost. Jane was waiting outside the viewing area for them. "She was your daughter?" Jane asked trying to keep herself from sounding angry.

"Yes. Caroline Wright." The woman said with a sad expression. "Please... I need to be sure that it's my daughter."

Maura heard and lifted the blinds reveling the teenager. The woman next to Jane broke down in tears instantly. "Oh god, my baby girl. My sweet Caroline."

The sympathy Jane had been reluctant to give before was given freely trying to comfort the obviously grieving woman, but it didn't keep her from going about business. "Mrs. Wright, I know this is hard for you but we need to ask you some questions. Would you mind coming upstairs with us?"

She nodded following the detectives looking broken and lost. Maura followed them after a few minutes.

"Why did it take you so long to contact us?"

"I was out of the country for two weeks handling business. Caroline is capable of taking care of herself. Plus she had her tutor coming by each day to teach her."

"She was homeschooled?" Maura recognized the look in Jane's eyes. She's going to want to talk to that tutor, if what Mrs. Wright says is true then Jane is looking at him as the primary suspect.

"Caroline was very smart, she didn't like school when she was younger. Children can be very cruel to people that are different. I took her out of school because of the bullying."

"But why hire a tutor why not teach her yourself?"

"As I've said Caroline was very smart. Any work I could've given her would not have been challenging enough for her. Not to mention the fact that my work keeps me busy. I hired Jeremy because he was the best and he seemed to click well with Caroline."

"Did you ever suspect there might've been more than a student teacher aspect to their relationship?"

"What? No. Jeremy was a fine man. He would..." Mrs. Wright paused. "He would've contacted you... he knew her. Oh god. Oh god you think he did that to my baby girl." She looked like she was going to be sick.

"We don't know anything yet. But if you could possibly give us his address and phone number we'd really like to get a hold of him."

"Of course." She nodded through the tears. Jane got up and left the room while Frost got the information from her.

"I guess that explains why no one know who she was. I want to find this Jeremy guy and talk to him. If he was supposed to be tutoring her all week then her would've noticed she was missing and he sure as hell would've seen her picture and contacted us by now." Jane frowned. "But he could've gotten anywhere by now."

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