Chapter 8

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[A/N] because of the long 'break' I'm writing as often as I can, I really hope you like this chapter.
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Disclaimer: I don't own Imagine You & Me or those characters. (good movie gets a shout out this chapter.)

I haven't seen her outside of the case in a week. This is ridiculous. Jane groaned as she headed down to the morgue. The answer was obvious. The husband was their primary suspect. He found out his wife was sleeping around and instead of getting a divorce like any sane person he went off the deep end. The problem was they were having trouble tracking the husband. They found his car and the bloody clothes in the trunk. They found the murder weapon in the house. They had the evidence they just didn't have the perp. Damn him. When we catch this guy I'm gonna fuck him up.

"Jane?" Maura asked hearing the distinct click of Jane's shoes against the tile.

"Hey." Jane smiled at Maura. How does this woman calm me with just her presence? I'm pretty sure I've been on a war path all day. "Korsak said I needed to go home. Apparently I was scaring people."

Maura laughed and Jane listened to the sound trying to take in the M.E.'s joy. "I can believe that. You are pretty scary when you don't get your man. But all the evidence is there so as soon as he slips up even once you'll have him. And from everything I've seen he's not the smartest criminal. It's only a matter of time."

Jane stared at Maura for a moment. "How do you always know exactly what to say to make things better?"

"I know you." Maura smiled.

This woman is perfect. She has to be perfect. I can't believe it took me so long to ask her out on a date. "Are you super busy?"

"No. why?"

"It won't be anything fancy this time but I would love a second chance at a date." Jane smiled.

"I have an idea. Thai takeout and a movie at my house, Jane you're tired. And yes I really would enjoy going on another date with you but I think a going out date can wait." Maura grinned. "And besides, if we go out I can't do this" Maura walked over to the detective and wrapped her arms around her neck and kissed the brunette. She had to stand on her tip toes because she was wearing tennis shoes with her black scrubs but it was worth it. That was one thing that had increased despite the case. During the day Jane would go down to the morgue just to get in at least one kiss with the beautiful medical examiner. They'd been fortunate enough to not have been caught by anyone.

"I like that idea." Jane mumbled against the blondes lips. "Maybe we can do a little more?" Jane asked with a sly grin. "I've been thinking about it and maybe we didn't get to have the perfect first date. But really it's kind of like we've been dating for at least a year." She kissed the smaller woman again taking it deeper.

"Oh?" Maura asked though she was finding it harder and harder to speak.

"Mhm. So if we're thinking of it like that... then we're way behind were any other couple would be at this point." Jane's hands ran down to Maura's hips.

"When you put it like that." Maura felt her face heating up.

"So I'll come over tonight and we'll order in and we'll act like a couple of teenagers and we'll see where that takes us." Jane grinned. "How does that sound."

"Sounds fantastic."

"Good, I'll see you tonight then?"

"Yes." Maura felt like she was unraveling. "Wait, what time."

"How about at 6?" Jane asked running her hands under Maura's shirt but lingering on her waist.

"Okay" Maura smiled. "I'll see you then."

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