Chapter 13

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[A/N] Hope you like it!!
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Maura was nervous. She'd interacted with Angela alone a few times but it wasn't common. What could she possibly want to talk about? Is she really alright with me pursuing a relationship with her daughter? Of course she is. Angela would've let us know right away if she was unhappy with our behavior. She's done it before. I just need to calm down. It's just lunch. Maura paused briefly when she heard Angela walk in. "Maura? Are you ready to go?"

"Yes." Maura answered even though she really wanted to say no.

"Great," Angela smiled brightly at the woman.

Maura kept silent during the car ride which Angela either didn't notice or really didn't mind. When they got to the restaurant that Maura had chosen however Angela broke the silence between them.

"I worry about Jane." she started. "She's my daughter and I want her to have family and someone in her life that will take her."

Maura remained silent.

"Maura, I love you as if you were one of my own." She took Maura's hand in her own. "And I want the exact same thing for you that I want for her. So I need you to tell me. Are you in love with my daughter."

"I am..." Maura blushed. "I haven't told her yet it hasn't felt like a good time to say anything. I mean we only just started dating two weeks ago. Isn't that awfully soon to be confessing you're in love with someone?"

"Not if you were in love with that person before you started dating. And you were weren't you? In love with her before."

"Yes. I thought if I ignored it, it would go away. Jane always seemed so stubborn about her sexuality. Then all that stuff at the warehouse happened and... It was so easy to be mad. But at the same time so hard." Maura frowned. "Then she saved me. Again. And she stayed with me when she could've easily left. She protected me, and she saved my leg. And while I wasn't working she checked on me. And those feelings I'd been trying to push down and forget rose to the surface again."

It was Angela's turn to stay silent so Maura continued her story.

"I didn't mean to kiss her the first time" Maura chuckled. "She'd apologized a million times and she seemed so sad like she was hurting for me and I just wanted to show her I was okay. That we were okay I gave her the option to forget it happened... but neither of us wanted that as it turned out."

"Sounds like she feels the same to me, so probably telling her how you feel will only strengthen your relationship."

"You think so?" Maura was fidgeting with a napkin.

"I do." Angela smiled. "Now I have to ask, will you guys get married? How about children I know Janie says she doesn't want that but what about you?"

"I've always sort of wanted to adopt." Maura blushed. "But I KNOW Jane and I aren't far along enough in our relationship to even think about marriage or children. It will be something we have to discuss someday."

Angela huffed. "Well I hope you can convince her better than I can."

"So." Maura chanced her first look in Angela's eyes. "You really are okay with it?"

"Just try not to break her heart, that's all I can ask of you."

Maura looked down for a minute. "You know how you asked about marriage and children. I never used to think about those things honestly. But for awhile now I have. And when I picture my family... my life... Jane is right there. She's always there. I promise that I will do everything within my power not to break her heart and I can only hope she feels the same as me." I've never said it aloud before. It's strange. Thinking it is one thing but actually saying it out loud it feels different. I wonder if it'll feel different when I tell her I love her now that she knows exactly how I mean it.

"Well we should get going if we want dinner to be on time tonight. You are coming of course?"

"Of course I am. I won't ever miss it if I don't have to," Maura smiled.

"I think..." Angela paused. "I think Jane might be planning on telling her brothers about the change in your relationship tonight. Are you alright with that?"

"I am dating the most attractive and the youngest homicide detective in the state. She happens to be recognized as hero by more than half of the state's population. That is definitely something I want to brag about. " Maura grinned. "I have no problem with her telling people about our relationship."

"You sound pretty proud of her."

"She can be stupid and reckless with herself at times, but she's very good at her job and I worry but I'm proud of all that she's accomplished. I imagine you feel the same."

"I do." Angela couldn't help but smile. "I don't think I could've asked for a better match for my daughter."

The car ride back was much more pleasant than the card ride out had been Maura found it easier to keep up a steady flow of conversation with the older woman. When they got back Maura offered to help her cook and Angela gladly accepted the help.

Tommy was the first to arrive. He waved and grinned at Maura in a way that made her just a little uncomfortable but he simply headed into her living room and put on the game when he saw that she was helping in the kitchen.

Frankie should up next, "Hi Ma, hi Maura." He kissed Angela on the cheek and gave Maura a friendly side hug before joining Tommy to watch the ball game. Maura found that she was nervous with all of the Rizzoli's in her house aside from Jane. I wonder when she'll be here. I hope she gets here soon.'

"You can go sit with them you know." Angela said easily.

"I'm more comfortable in here. Besides Jane should be here soon."

"Is that my cue?" Jane asked teasingly as she walked in catching only her name.

"Tommy and Frankie are already in the living room but as usual you arrived just in time to set the table." Angela smiled. "Maura could you help her?"

"Of course." She hadn't taken her eyes off of Jane since the moment she walked in so she followed Jane into the dining room with her hands full of the plates that they had pulled out of the cabinets earlier. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, how'd things go with my Ma?" Jane asked giving Maura a sweet kiss.

"It went really well, I really had no reason to be as nervous as I was."

"I'm glad. I'm gonna tell the guys about us tonight. Is that okay with you?"

"Your mother said you might." Maura smiled setting the last plate in place. "It's perfectly okay."

"Great." Jane smiled. "I'm kind of nervous to be honest. I mean Ma accepted us and I have a feeling that Tommy and Frankie suspect it... but that doesn't mean they'll like it."

"I'm sure they'll be fine." Maura took Jane's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "They love you."

Jane gave a half smile. "We should help ma bring the food in here."

"I'll do that. You go get Tommy and Frankie."

Jane nodded.

Dinner was as pleasant as usual filled with friendly teasing and laughter. For Maura it felt like home. Then Jane's hand slipped under the table and gave her thigh a squeeze and she knew that the moment had come.

"I um..." Jane sounded nervous. "I have something to tell you." she said looking at her brothers.

"What is it sis?" Frankie asked with a flash of concern in his eyes.

"Maura... and I have..." She blushed which wasn't something her brothers were used to seeing. "That is the nature of our relationship has changed." She looked down at the table. "We're seeing each other now."

Jane waited patiently for their responses.

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